
2023-09-17 23:28:33



学英语作文 篇1

There are some pandas in the zoo.They look like a bear,but they are not a bear.

They live in china. they have a small tail and fat body.They are black and white.They’re very clumsy,but they can climb trees.

They like to eat bamboo very much.look! the baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping.They look very lovely.Pandas are my favourite animals.

学英语作文 篇2






The tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented. It is not only esteemed by teachers, research workers, administrators but also by many students. They like their recorders as much as or more than their TV sets and radios and some regard them as good companions. This device is useful in many ways. It can be used in learning,teaching, sporting, and entertaining. For example, it is an essential instrument for students to learn foreign languages, for English teachers to make their classes lively and interesting and for people to enjoy their music. Besides, it can also be used in mass media. With it, journalists can record what government officials,spokesmen or interviewees say. However,it can also become a nuisance if we use it improperly. Too loud music played by the recorder causes noise pollution, thus affecting other people's rest and too loud music from walkman damages people's hearing. So we must make good use of the tape recorder.


学英语作文 篇3



唉,人在屋檐下不得不低头啊,谁叫我还得在人家锅里抓饭吃呢,硬着头皮上吧。于是就有了最开始的“Good morning boys and girls!”说实话,现在小学的英语教材比我读中学时还难,好多单词我都不认识。这可害苦了我。每次上新课之前,都得花好长时间查字典,听录音,不然来到课堂上休想张嘴。



学英语作文 篇4

The Spring Festival is an ancient holiday in China, also is one of the most important holiday for the whole year, how to celebrate this holiday, in one thousand years of history development, formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, there are a lot of handed down also. Chen to sweep before the Spring Festival, according to the folk belief: because "dust" and "Chen" unisonant, spring sweep dust have except Chen Bu "new" meaning, the intention is to sweep all poor luck, bad luck out of the house.

To stick couplets on the Spring Festival, during the Spring Festival couplets on the Spring Festival is also called the peach wood charms against evil, it neatly, dual, concise and delicate words to describe time background, to express good wishes. Is a unique literature form in our country. Every Chinese New Year, whether in the cities or the countryside, every family should choose posted a picture of a bright red couplets on the door, to increase the festive atmosphere of the festival. More (" f "word, means f down (to) the mean. New Year's eve shou sui is one of the most important customs in activity. Dumplings will make the year before 12 o 'clock in the evening, until the middle of the house to eat, it was at the beginning of the first lunar month. China folk have "open the door firecracker" say. Namely on the arrival of the New Year every family to open the door first thing in the firecrackers, and in order to "crackling" firecrackers used orientation. Listen to these brief introduction, everyone should have a deeper understanding of Spring Festival?



学英语作文 篇5

How clever are you? How do we measure intelligence? Where did your intelligence come from? Scientists now believe that our genes strongly influence how our brain develops. We inherit our genes from our parents.

In other words, we inherit our intelligence from our parents. This does not mean that we cannot do anything to develop ourselves. Each of us must decide how to use our brains and how to develop our skills.

Scientists have studied sets of identical twins. They have found that certain areas of the brain are strongly influenced by our parents, and that these areas influence intelligence. dentical twins have almost identical brains. When they did tests,scientists found that identical twins had very similar scores in tests with numbers, words, shapes and memory. This was not true with non-identical twins, or brothers and sisters; they had great differences in their test scores.

However, our success as adults is not simply a matter of how clever we are. Our ability to work with other people is also important. In addition, our determination, confidence and our courage also play important parts. We may inherit our intelligence from our parents but we must decide how to live our own lives. We cannot blame our parents!

There is one area where our parents can help us. When we are children, they can provide us with a stimulating environment in which to live. This will help to develop our brains and develop our confidence. If parents encourage their children to listen to music, to play a musical instrument, to play with puzzles, to draw pictures and to read books, then their children are likely to become more intelligent. Remember that when you become a parent!

学英语作文 篇6

several years ago i was diagnosed with cancer. it was the most difficult time i have ever faced. i think it was my sense of humor that allowed me to hold onto my sanity. like many people who have gone through chemotherapy, i lost all of my hair and i was bald as a cue ball. i always had enjoyed wearing hats, so when my hair deserted me, i ordered several special hats with the hair already attached. it was easy and i never had to worry about how my hair looked.

i have always been a big golf fan. in fact, i have been to twenty-three straight u.s. opens. at one point during my cancer treatments, my husband john and i decided to get away from the cold minnesota winter and took a trip to scottsdale, arizona. there was a senior pga tour event called the tradition being played, and that seemed like just the ticket to lift my spirits.

the first day of the tournament brought out a huge gallery. it was a beautiful day, and i was in heaven. i was standing just off the third tee, behind the fairway ropes, watching my three favorite golfers in the world approach the tee bo: jack nicklaus, raymond floyd and tom weiskopf.

just as they arrived at the tee, the unimaginable happened. a huge gust of wind came up from out of nowhere and blew my hat and hair right off my head and into the middle of the fairway! the thousands of spectators lining the fairway fell into an awkward silence, all eyes on me. even my golf idols were watching me, as my hair was in their flight path. i was mortified! embarrassed as i was, i knew i couldnt just stand there. someone had to do something to get things moving again.

so i took a deep breath, went under the ropes and out into the middle of the fairway. i grabbed my hat and hair, nestled them back on my head as best i could. then i turned to the golfers and loudly announced, gentlemen, the wind is blowing from left to right.

they said the laughter could be heard all the way to the nineteenth hole.

