英语作文400字 篇1
My mother My mother is 33 this year. She has two big eyes, a smally noose and a smally mouth. Her hair is long and brown. She is a beauiful woman.
My mother is a nurse. She works in a People Hospital. She often wears a white uniform. No wonder people call nurses “white angle”. She works carefully and she is friendly to her patints. They all like her. She is busy. Every day, she works for eight hour in a day time. Sometimes, she is on duty in the evening. After work in the afternoon she goes back home. She makes a big dinner for father and me. It is a delicious meal, decause she is goodat cooking.
I love my mother, I think she is the best mother in the world.
英语作文400字 篇2
How i have changed!
My life at weekends has changed a l ot since last year. In the past i had to get up at six at weekends. After breakfast i hurried to school. it was always busy my lessonsfour lessons inthe morning and four in tne afternoon. But now i dont have to go to school, of cuorse i neend get up so early. I can do what i like. For example, i can go out for a picnic with my friends, or play baketball. In the evening, i used to do my homework or go over my lessons, but now i can watch TV, surf the internet or do some reading, and so on. In the past, i didnt go to bed until half past ten, but now at half past nine. I have more free time than before!
英语作文400字 篇3
Jackasked,“Whyareyoucrying,mylittlegirl?” Thegirlanswered,“I’velostmydoll.”Jacksaid,“Don’tcry,littlegirl.I’llgototheshopandbuyadollforyou,”sothelittlegirlfollowedJacktotheshop,andJackboughtaverynicedollforthelittlegirl.Thelittlegirlbegantobehappyagain.Jacksaidtothelittlegirlwithasmile,“Goodbye,myangel.”“Bye-bye!”saidthelittlegirl.
英语作文400字 篇4
What’s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance. There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?
英语作文400字 篇5
Of all the colors, I love white best. white is the color of snow and cloud. Snow in winter is clean,pure and holy. When it is melted, it moistens everything and the whole earth.
White clouds are hanging on the blue sky. We can dream a lot on such a nice day. White is a color of purity and calmness. It can make a harmony picture with any other colors. This is white, a selfless color.
英语作文400字 篇6
People in villages are healthier than people in towns. That is because the air in villages is very fresh. Farmers are working all day in the fields, breathing fresh clean air. But there are too many factories in cities. They produce more and more harmful gases. At last, cities are full of smoke. And there's many dust in cities,too. It may cause a disease. So fresh air is very important to the people in cities. We need fresh air. So please don't pollute the air!
英语作文400字 篇7
once a chinese emperor had a nightingale that kept him very happy day and night. the nightingale sang beautiful songs that kept the emperor in good health and spirit. one day someone gave the emperor mechanical bird as a present.
the emperor would wind the key and the bird would sing his song. this new toy thrilled the emperor so much that he forgot his nightingale. the nightingale left the palace. one day the mechanical bird broke down. the emperor’s health declined because his life had no songs to cheer him. finally the nightingale returned, and the emperor recovered his health and spirit.
英语作文400字 篇8
我的英语老师中等个子,不胖也不瘦,她长着一双明亮的大眼睛,好像会说话似的。当你做了不应该做的事时,她就会用责备的眼神盯你好一会,知道你低下头来承认错误为止;当你做了令她高兴的好 事时,她便用含笑的眼睛足足看你两分钟,好像是在欣赏一件什么宝贝似的。
她对我们的学习,要求很严厉:课文要背熟,句子要会写,单词要记牢。有一次,有位同学单词不过关,老师让他练会,可是他直到放学也没练。于是放学后老师就陪着他练,知道练会为止。就这样 不是我们班的每一个同学成绩落后。
一次,英语老师布置了一个非常非常多的'作业:M1—M10的单词一词8个,放学前必交!而当时已是第六节课!同学们赶紧奋笔疾书,写啊——为了节省时间,同学们看了一眼单词后,默记下来,然后快 速地写八遍。终于,大家都交上了作业。这时大家发现:默写的单词都记下来了!原来这是老师让我们背住单词的方法!
可有时,他还会闹出一些小笑话。有一次,老师给我们讲练习册,本来是要讲第一单元和第二单元的,可是她刚讲完第一单元就把练习册给收了。同学们七嘴八舌地说:“老师,第二单元还没讲呢! ”“对呀!”“对呀!”老师这才恍然大悟:“快!快把练习册传下去!”我们都笑个不停。
英语作文400字 篇9
Learning English
How to learn English well?Maybe a mass of students cannot get rid of it.When it comes to Learning English,remembering words is one of the most important things to do.But remembering words is not a good business,it can take much time to do.And when you remember them,you may forget after several days.If you want to remember them for a long time,you should do it by imagination.As you remember a word,you can make a sentence to describe it.Then it can leave in your mind for a long time,even forever.
Spoken English is also important.It can be improved by reading aloud.If you read frequently,your Spoken English cannot be much bad.
Believe in yourself,you can learn English well.
英语作文400字 篇10
Dear Kate,
I was anxiously expecting your letter, at last it has come to hand. I am very glad to know that you have passed the final examination. Congratulations on your success!
Things here are the same as they were before. The final examination in our school will take place next week, so I am now busy preparing my lessons. It is nice to think that the summer vacation is drawing near. My mother promised to take me to Beijing during the vacation. I am sure I shall have a wonderful time there.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely,