
2023-09-18 20:08:25



英语作文 篇1

A Century Later, Statue of Liberty Still Attracts Millions

From VOA Learning English, welcome to This is America. I'm Steve Ember.

Today we tell about the Statue of Liberty. The huge, green statue celebrates American freedom. It has served as the guardian of New York Harbor for more than a century.

Come along with us, as we visit "Lady Liberty."

The Statue of Liberty may be one of the most often photographed works of art in the world. A French sculptor, Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, designed the statue in the late 1800s. Today the monument continues to present a beautiful sight on the New York skyline. But it came close to never arriving in the United States.

The materials required for building the Statue of Liberty were almost lost at sea. In 1885, the ship carrying those materials almost sank in stormy seas. Bartholdi's dream of a huge sculpture might never have been fulfilled.

Luckily, the ship survived the rough seas. It arrived safely in June of 1885. By the next year, the Statue of Liberty had arisen on what was then called Bedloe's Island. The statue was officially opened that year. Many years later, the island was given a new name: Liberty Island.

She's a Survivor

The Statue of Liberty has survived damage caused by time, visits by millions of people and the weather. It stood firm during a destructive storm, Hurricane Sandy, which struck the East Coast in October of 20xx. But Liberty Island suffered damage, requiring major repairs.

"Lady Liberty", as many people call the statue, was a gift from the people of France. Its full name is "Liberty Enlightening the World."

The United States and France have been friends and allies since the American Revolution. France helped the American colonial armies defeat British forces. The war officially ended in 1783. A few years later, the French rebelled against their king.

A French historian and political leader, Edouard-Rene Lefebvre de Laboulaye, had the idea for the statue. In 1865, he suggested that the French and the Americans build a monument together to celebrate freedom. Bartholdi agreed to design it.

In 1875, the French established an organization to raise money for Bartholdi's creation. Two years later, an American group was formed to raise money to pay for a pedestal. American architect Richard Morris Hunt was chosen to design this support structure. The pedestal would stand 47 meters high.

In France, Bartholdi designed a model of the Statue of Liberty. Then he built a series of larger copies of the very small model statue. Workers created a wooden form covered with plaster for each part. They placed 300 pieces of copper on the forms. The copper skin was about two and one half millim ……此处隐藏4397个字……p>


英语作文 篇8





Currently,the frequent job-hopping of graduates has aroused wide concern among the public. Does anyone hold the same attitude toward this phenomenon? Definitely not. As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.

Those who hold the opinion that job-hopping is beneficial to graduates claim that by doing so, the youngsters are more likely to have a better knowledge of other fields and then to expand their horizons. Moreover,changing jobs frequently offers workers a chance to move up to a better position. However, others take a totally different view that job-hopping is detrimental to ones career development. For one thing, as the common saying goes,a rolling stone gathers no moss. The more frequent you change your job, the less likely you are to be an expert in a particular area. Secondly, this behavior will leave on the employers an impression of instability and immaturity. It is no wonder that ,when interviewing a candidate, a employer will raise a question likeyouve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we know youll stay if we hire you?

From my perspective, frequent job-hopping would not necessarily be a bad thing. it may offer them a broader space for career development. When people join a company,the brand new working environment,new colleagues and new enterprise cultural atmosphere will definitely motivate their enthusiasm for the new job and thus, prompt their career to a new level. thus, I will try several posts before finding the one that is perfectly fit for me and after that I will remain in the post and spare no efforts to have it well done.

英语作文 篇9




我们坐了一会儿,服务员小姐拿了一本精致的菜谱轻轻放在了姥姥、姥爷的面前,调皮地笑着说:“老太太点菜吧!”姥姥受宠若惊,被服务员小姐这突如其 来的举动搞得手足无措,慌忙打开了菜谱,然后对服务员小姐说了声:“‘三克油’!”服务员小姐愣了愣,随后不好意思地说:“老太太,我们这儿油不拿上 桌。”大家哈哈大笑,我捂着肚子,对服务员小姐解释说:“我姥姥是谢您呢!对您说‘thank you!’”“啊,啊!”服务员小姐赶紧说了声不用谢。哎,我说姥姥,您才学了两天英语就想显摆显摆啦,还得好好再练几天!


我们正吃着饭呢,姥姥又扬手把服务员小姐叫了过来。哎,姥姥又要点什么了?“再给我的乖外孙女叫个‘爱,爱斯格林’!”姥姥说。我一转眼珠子:“姥 姥,您说英文,阿姨听不懂,您画下来吧!”说完向服务员小姐使了个眼色,问:“阿姨,您同意吗?”小姐一边为姥姥递过纸和笔,一边对我说:“我求之不得 哩。”姥姥画了一个歪歪扭扭的冰淇凌,小姐走过去一看,这才明白姥姥要的东西,一边还嘀咕这老太太真时尚,洋味粘得这么重。

餐厅里不知为什么跑进了一条狗,姥姥便赶紧对我们说:“这里有‘洞,洞口’!”我们急忙放下刀叉,环顾四周。咦,没有洞口呀!这时,姥姥还兴冲冲地 对我说:“小钰,你不是最喜欢洞口呀!快看看!”我顺着姥姥的手指方向看去,嗨,姥姥居然把小狗的英文“dog”说成了洞口!大家恍然大悟.姥爷还打趣 说:“老伴儿啊,这洞口怎么这么小呢?我们钻不进去!”姥姥这才知道自己说错了英文,脸涨得通红,十分不好意思。


