
2023-10-12 05:28:15



英语作文400字 篇1

Whenever a painful situation arises in your life, try to embrace it instead of running away or trying to mask the hurt. When the sadness strikes, take a deep breath and lean into it. When we run away from sadness that’s unfolding in our lives, it gets stronger and more real. We take an emotion that’s fleeting and make it a solid event, instead of something that passes through us.


英语作文400字 篇2

Dear Mr./ Ms.:

I am writing an invitation to you to join the banquet we host for


All of my classmates feel it a great honor to have been your

students in the past three years. Thanks to your patience and

devotion, we benefited a lot from your class. Time flies. Now, it's

time to say goodbye. Despite the near departing, we would like to

invite you to have dinner with us in Jinyuan at 6 o’clock on July 18th

in order to express our gratitude to you. All of us are looking

forward to this banquet with your presence. Please do come.

Best regards.

Yours, 10 class C

英语作文400字 篇3

Everybody is afraid of failure, because it means what they do is useless and they waste their energy and time. But people get the wrong idea about failure, in fact, failure is also success. If people want to be successful, they need to take action. Failure at least means people have tried to do, what’s more, people can learn from their unsuccessful experience, so that they can improve their methods. Every failure means the closeness of success, we should take the positive attitude to failure, we can get over it soon and people finally can get the victory. So when we meet the difficulties, don’t be afraid of the bad result, just take action.

英语作文400字 篇4

Can money buy happiness

Nowadays, a lot of people in society think the more money they have the more happiness they will obtain. As a result they will try their best to get money, even without considering the law.But in my view, the greatest happiness lies in one’s satisfaction with one’s surroundings. So long as we can look at things with a happy heart, we can be happy. It has nothing to do with a mount of money we have. Therefore, people shouldn’t pay too much attention money we have.

On the contrary (相反地) what they should do is to put their money to good use and try to have an optimistic outlook all the time.

英语作文400字 篇5


于是,一场别开生面的比赛正式拉开了帷幕。首先是我和张心然之间的PK。比赛规则如下:一组11个英语单词,分高者胜。比赛开始了,张老师首先报:“地板”。我毫不犹豫地写出“FLOOY”,哈!张心然竟然把“L”写为“T”了,我先赢了一分。这时张老师继续报“香蕉、苹果、西瓜、梨。”我俩马上BANANA、 APPLE 、WATERMELON、 PEAR四个单词,教师见我们写好了又大声说:“我、我们、我们的',一堂有趣的英语课。”我自信地写上了I、WE 、OUR。教师见了微微一笑说:“同学。”我犹豫了一下,最后不报希望地写了CLASSMATE,不等我喘一口气,老师又说出“教室”,我们听后不约而同地写出CLASSROOM,这时老师报了最后一个单词“去玩”,我写上“GO TO PLAY”后马上回到了座位上坐好,忐忑不安地等待老师宣布比赛结果。最后我终于以满分(100分)打败了91分的张心然,我高兴地边蹦边叫“耶,我赢了!”


