
2023-12-13 11:29:08



春节英语作文 篇1


It's a new year! It's a new year! All families are filled with the atmosphere of the festival, immersed in a sea of laughter and laughter.


In the morning, we came to my grandmother's house, looking far away, and the grandmother took a lot of things in a hurry. In the afternoon, every family began to get busy. They began to put up the couplets on the door. There was a mascot of the year of the sheep. The lamb came too. They sent different gifts to everyone. In the evening, grandma prepared a sumptuous family sitting at the dinner on New Year's Eve, together, tasting the wine, laughing and enjoyable.


After dinner, Dad took out fireworks, that we came to see, I think you not to regard it as right, a little did not see what. Dad didn't notice my face, took out a lighter to ignite, listen to "zoom" sound of fireworks first came out, I am timid brother saw the fireworks, hurriedly ran into hiding, make everybody laugh. I saw the fireworks blooming in the sky, ah! How beautiful! The fireworks in the sky like flowers, some like a whirlwind, as well as a group of hot air, it is really exquisite.


On New Year's Eve, the sky turned into a sea of fireworks, and the joy of the children was full of the whole new year.

春节英语作文 篇2

The Spring Festival

During the Spring Festival, "crackling, crackling," continuous waves of loud firecrackers to, are affixed to every household door couplets, each have their own different, each with its own meaning, each with its own blessings, and some send to a friend SMS, and some visits, even where there are presenters on television blessing, really a very traditional Spring Festival holiday. New Year's Eve, one of the most awaited day, that day, I came early to the grandmother, the family lights, festive, firecrackers sound out the window, the table filled with good hope, full of some of the meat and fish, of course, There are some vegetables, natural aroma is rolling, let me salivate, wait up bingeing, she said:. "You can start to eat," if not finished, I reached chicken took a king, eat up, and I like to eat Pork voracious, it symbolizes booming. After the reunion dinner, brother and sister pleaded adults fireworks, the sky was getting dark, my father took us to the fireworks, the colors of the flame constantly greeted, green, like ethereal leaves, fluttering around , red, like ripe fruit, mouth-watering, yellow, like the lively spirit, white, like white butterflies, enjoy flying, when the strong weak swing sound of firecrackers in the ears, back into the room where our family around the front of the TV, watching the Spring Festival evening party with relish. Although the Chinese New Year last month, but I would like remembered it, because after all it brings us happiness, it is much like sweet wine, water everyone's heart, the Chinese New Year, how like a sweet candy, so that each Personal laugh Zhuo Yan open. I love New Year.


春节期间,“噼里啪啦,噼里啪啦,”一阵阵鞭炮声连续不断的响来,家家户户门口都贴有春联,各有各的不同,各有各的含义,各有各的祝福,有的在给朋友发短信,有的在登门拜访,甚至在电视里也有主持人的祝福,春节可真是一个非常传统的节日。 大年三十,人们最盼望的一天,那天,我早早就来到了奶奶家,家里灯火通明,喜气洋洋,窗外的爆竹声声响,桌上摆满了佳希,全是一些大鱼大肉,当然还有一些蔬菜,香气自然是滚滚而来,让我垂涎三尺,恨不得上去大吃特吃,奶奶说:“可以开始吃了。”话还没说完,我伸手拿了一个特大号的鸡腿,狼吞虎咽的吃起来,还有我最喜欢吃的红烧肉,它象征着红红火火。 吃完团圆饭后,弟弟和妹妹就吵着大人们放烟花,天色渐渐暗了下来,爸爸带着我们去放烟花,各色的火焰不断地映入眼帘,绿的,像轻飘的.叶子,左右飘动,红的,像成熟的果实,让人垂涎三尺,黄的,像活泼的精灵,白的,像洁白的蝴蝶,尽情飞舞,时强时弱的鞭炮声荡响在耳边,回到屋子里,我们全家围在电视机前,津津有味的看着春节晚会。 虽然春节过去一个多月了,可我还想念着它,因为它毕竟带给我们快乐,它多么像甘甜的美酒,浇灌着每一个人的心田,春节,多么像一颗香甜的糖果,使每个人笑涿颜开。我喜欢过春节。

春节英语作文 篇3

On this day, we have already put winter holiday, will welcome the Spring Festival, very happy! On this day people will to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, drink spiced sake, just like the song dynasty poet wang anshi wrote a poem: firecrackers in New Year's eve, the spring breeze gifts into toso, find eye pupil, always put the new peach in old character.

And when we were one year older, we had better understand, help others, pay New Year's greetings to relatives, and they all praised the girl who was clever and clever, and how good the mood was at that time.

Firecracker is the children's favorite, but the firecracker is sometimes very dangerous, must be at home long escort to play oh! Children must not set off firecrackers on their own!

We will also eat reunion dinner, wear new clothes, aunt aunt and aunt are busy cooking, we are playing on the side, then the scene how busy!

It is such a Spring Festival, let us full of how much happiness!

春节英语作文 篇4

In a few days is the spring festival, the family are preparing necessities, cleaning the health, to meet the arrival of the holiday.

Walking in the street, everyone 's face is permeated with a festive smile, carrying bags, needless to say, must be new year 's clothes. Shopping malls are full of people: there are children holding their parents' hands to buy clothes, there are couples sweet to buy clothes, and children holding elders talking and laughing to buy clothes, in short, everyone is beaming.

Came to the countryside, kill pig slaughter sheep ... with their own customs to celebrate the spring festival, in some places also started the market, he cried out to buy drinks, he cried out to buy clothes, this way to reduce prices, there shouting to buy two to send one, everything should be everything, is really full of beautiful things, very lively.

In the spring festival year 30 nights, the spring festival party began, play sketch, crosstalk, singing any program, a show after the audience applause, until the middle of the night people are sleepy, the program is finished. The show is over, but people are still enthusiastic, because haven 't pressure money, fireworks! After all this, almost twelve o' clock, the children are holding the money to go to bed adults to chat for a while to go to bed.

The next day, people get up early in the morning, with a good gift to go relatives, relatives to go for several days, less also need to go more than a day.

Spring festival is really good, can let people busy life to relax, also can add some fun for everyone boring things.

I love spring festival!

再过几天就是春节了,家家都在准备着年货,打扫着卫生,迎接着这个节日 的到来。







春节英语作文 篇5

In our hometown, the new year from La eight began almost at the beginning of the month, people continued to prepare the streets but also some special purchases for the Spring Festival, set up a stall, selling new year paintings. Although it is not in the real sense of the new year, but from people's busy, also revealed a strong flavor of the year.

It should be the most important day after the number of the twelfth lunar month twenty-three, great to hear people say, this day to Jizao God, but also it Clay oven rolls. It's the small sugar pancake, which children love most.

Next to the most important is the year thirty, that is, the new year's Eve, the street is more lively. The afternoon of every family busy couplets, grave worship their ancestors. In the evening, there is a very important task, it is in the evening, staying-up late on new year's Eve, in addition to the very small children, other people have to stay up until the wee hours of the morning, to twelve points after another appeared in the sound of firecrackers, impression, then began to grandma and bread dumplings. For children, there is an important thing for — — put firecrackers, the children always love to take some brightly coloured cannon to put, the child is no exception, they are even larger than some children also love shooting.

In the first day of the year, we should go to the elderly and bring the money. At noon, the family will have to sit together and eat a reunion meal. The second day, mostly to pay New Year's call relatives. During this period, children always like to follow the adult to join the relatives, because they can get a lot of age money.

In a word, although the Spring Festival in the hometown is roughly the same as other places, there is always a strong flavor of the hometown.

春节英语作文 篇6


Look forward to it! Look forward to the Spring Festival, wait! Wait until the first night of the year. Maybe you will ask: look forward to the first day? Thirty big year is fun! That's because mom promised to take me to the riverside road at the first night to see the lights.


At the first night, I put on my roller skates and went on my way to the riverside road with my mother's escort. As soon as I arrived at my destination, I saw the fireworks in the sky and the lights on both sides of the Yellow River. It was like the two dragons coming to the world, which brought us a colorful spring festival.


Imperceptibly, I and my mother has come to the riverside road, far from Zhongshan bridge radiation with a charming color, garden type arches were mounted on a shape to the lights on both sides of the Yellow River, there are also countless lights contrast, much of the look, the entire Zhongshan bridge as a dragon lying on top of the Yellow River, enjoying Lanzhou the two sides of the Yellow River charming night.


At the close, the road on both sides of the trees are covered with colored lights, but also kept changing color, every street lamp has hung red lanterns greatly and Chinese knot, as a whole road is very bright, red, green and blue many lanterns, this street has become rainbow Street was resplendent with variegated coloration.


In this beautiful light, we soon came to the Zhongshan bridge, hey! This bridge has become particularly attractive today, the whole bridge covered with big red lanterns, let this majestic Zhongshan bridge adds a strong festive atmosphere. The Yellow River is more enchanting because of the Zhongshan bridge, and the bridge is even more magnificent because of the the Yellow River's backing.


Although it was very late, my mother and I did not want to leave this beautiful riverside road, the spectacular Zhongshan bridge. I want to keep looking at this beautiful night! This is one of my happiest things. I would like to dress our riverside road more beautifully every day.

春节英语作文 篇7

The custom of Spring Festival have a lot, but I made a mistake when the Spring Festival. In the morning, home to a lot of guests, they eat and drink with a pile of garbage, so I went to sweep the floor and in part loquacious, while sweeping the floor, suddenly a sharp eyes turned to me, I am not a surprised, who? How to realize affairs, please see the fixation.

