英语作文400字 篇1
For me the autumn or fall season starts in September when school starts its new term. I usually do some shopping for school supplies and some winter clothes.
The mild weather makes it very nice to study outside under the trees in a small park and read; I like to look up at the leaves changing colors from green to red and yellow, and then brown color.
The park also has many bright fall flowers; sometimes I see a small squirrel come down from the tree to hunt for food on the ground. On the weekends, I sometimes like to fly my kite.
Usually on the street corners you can see street peddlers selling warm baked sweet potatoes or hot peanuts. This is a nice time of the year.
英语作文400字 篇2
I recently seen a movice called "Alice in Wonderland". Maybe you have read a fiction named it.You should guess now.Yes,this film is based on the novel.
And I have already read this book many times. It is so interesting a book that I enjoy read it.It was a good book, soI could not put it down.But the main reasn is that this book is my grandpa gave me the final book. He have been died last December.So it also has a special meaning to me.Alice is the main charater of the novel. She is very kind, beautiful, smart and brave.I hope to be a fantastic girl like Alice.
I will never give up tring to achieve my dream.And I am always missing my grandpa.I will always be thankful to him.
英语作文400字 篇3
当我踏上讲台时,看见台下黑鸦鸦的一群人,心里“砰砰!!”地跳个不停,非常害怕出错,可是看到老师和同学支持的眼神,使我更加有自信,好不容易完成演 说,我很开心,因为我克服了恐惧,完成使命,到了公布成绩时刻,大家都鸦雀无声,当听到第一名“陈佳缘”时,我立刻跳起来,同学都为我鼓掌,心想:“辛苦是有价值的。”
英语作文400字 篇4
My mother is 35 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is blackand there is several white hair.
She takes me to school every day. In the evening she help me with my homework. If I’m hungry she will cook my favourite meals. She’s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.
英语作文400字 篇5
开 始上公开课了,我努力的举手希望能帮我们组得到一个小笑脸,这样我就能提醒组员们多拿笑脸了。在课上的时候老师让我们做了一个游戏,那就是猜一猜。这个游 戏的规则是一个同学站在另一个同学的身后,站在后面的那个同学可以随便拿一张图片让另一个同学猜,其他同学要用手式表示告诉他这是什么动物,如果他猜对了 就可以得到一个小笑脸在课上我们还写了字母和单词。比如:熊、猫、狗、鸭、鸟、母鸡这些简单的单词。我们还写了字母比如:Aa Bb Cc Dc Ee Ff Gg这些字母,可是我总觉得写字母没意思,所以不是太想写。
英语作文400字 篇6
Early Rising
Early rising benefits us in many ways.
First, it helps to keep us fit. We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, by taking morning exercises we can improve our health.
Second, it can help us in our studies. In the morning we can learn more quickly.
Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. We cannot work well without a proper plan. Early rising can also give us enough time to get ready for our work..
So we say that those who always get up late should make great effort to get up early.
英语作文400字 篇7
Today, I and my father, my mother, aunt, sister to go with Ssangyong Gorge. At the station met Sibo, we set off on the ride.
We sat in a small train into the Shuanglong Gorge, the side of the train is a cliff, one side is the mountain. There is a dragon in the mountains of black and green tail dragonfly, can be a good look.
When climbing the shoes will always stick on the point of mud.
Small stones on the edge of the stone is very slippery, very high, very dangerous circumstances we do not go to the water, in a very short, very smooth case to go, the water flow is very slow I went to wash their hands. We caught a little tadpole in the brook. Then we all said it put it, and then we put it back into the pond.
英语作文400字 篇8
It was one day morning in May.Xiao Han paid a visit to his friends.On his way he found a crowd of onlookers had gathered,then he just went and investigate.He saw a woman lying on the street,for being hurt in the traffic
accident.He called the driver to stop right away and sent her to the hospital.Then he paid the treatment expenses by himself and tried to contact her family.After all,her husband got to the hospital and has learnt that what had happened to his wife.When he was willing to express his thanks to him,Xiao Han had already gone.