
2024-09-29 08:54:24



英语作文600字 篇1




年少轻狂,纵心知,然每于行,或尝抱怨,指责不休。但每思过,食日难改。 随年龄之长,渐晓之,父之伟大,一人活一家,不易之极。虽年龄近半百,因为尘世之奔波,夜替子女分忧!父虽凡而伟,虽矮而高,虽老而盛…………吾之偶像! 去年六月,逢吾高考,父重病患绝症无从医治。大夫曰:熬不过半载。吾知此事,心如刀割,终日哭哭啼啼,故厌学。然父曰:此乃命也,命薄,短寿,怪不得何人许?为父心痛吾儿未婚,吾女未嫁,龄甚小,上有老,下有小,父之使命未完成也!若离去,妻儿何过?





英语作文600字 篇2

The products that are labelled with the words “ Made In China” can be seen everywhere. These products refer to be manufactured in China and they contain both the material and cultural elements. once these products were very popular around the world for the low price and excellent quality, but in most foreigners’ eyes, they treat these products with low end and low quality. With the development of Chinese economy, the government try to improve its image, so it is in need of creating our own brand. Made In China is the good choice, the government makes effort to improve the quality, so as to promote the international image.


英语作文600字 篇3





英语作文600字 篇4

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you these days? I miss you very much. I’m writing to tell you about my recent situation while you are


Yours, Xiaowei

One possible version:

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you these days? I miss you very much. I’m writing to tell you about my recent situation while you are out.

During the time you are away, I feel quite lonely, especially when watching other children playing with their parents happily. How I envy them! One day, I was late for school and misunderstood by my teacher and classmates because I had not enough time to cook a meal.

However, to my joy, my teachers and classmates always encourage me and give me a lot of help in study and life.

What’s more, on the Mid-autumn Festival, the local government held a special party for us. I was happy and deeply moved.

I miss you, Mom and Dad. But I can take care of myself. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Yours, Xiaowei

英语作文600字 篇5

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when I was on my way home from school。 It was snowing and the road was very slippery。 Suddenly' two young fellows on a motorbike sped by me andsnatched a bag from a woman in front ofme。 It was too sudden for。 the woman to shout before they fled away。 "Robbery!" I shouted behind。 The motorbike was so fast that it was out of control and fell。 Both of the robbers were badly hurt and passed out。

Then we ran up。 The woman got back his bag, still in great fright。 She asked me to open the bag and take out her cell phone。 I was greatly surprised when she asked me to dial to a hospital。 I shouted, "They have got their retribution!" The woman took her cell phone and dialed, first "110", then "120"。 (145 words)

英语作文600字 篇6

我最喜欢的娱乐方式 My Favorite Form of Entertainment

In a week, I have many entertainment activities, like tennis, basketball and so on, while my favorite form of entertainment is KTV. Nowadays, there are many people like to sing, on the TV, we can find so many shows about people chasing for their singing dreams. I know I have no talent in singing, but I just like to sing, singing helps me relax myself. When I ask friends get together, KTV is a good way to get us around and share things. KTV has been part of my life, I almost go to KTV once a week, it is a good way to relieve pressure and forget my worry.

在一周里,我有很多娱乐活动,比如网球,篮球等等,然而我最喜爱的`娱乐方式是唱歌。现在,很多人喜欢唱歌,在电视上,我们可以找到很多关于人民追求唱歌梦 想的节目。我知道自己并不擅长唱歌,但是我就是喜欢唱,唱歌能让我放松自己。当我叫朋友聚会的时候,唱歌就是一种让我们聚集在一起,分享事情的好方式。唱 歌已经成为我生活的一部分,我几乎每周唱一次,这是释放压力,忘记烦恼的好办法。

英语作文600字 篇7

It's OK To Be Paranoid on April Fools' Day .

"On April First it's OK to be suspicious about believing anything, too good to be true!" According to a psychologist who has researched past April Fools' Pranks.

“Most of us have fun playing harmless April Fools' tricks on each other but some folks inflict cruel and unusual punishment on their friends when their prank gets out of control." says Robert R. Butterworth, Ph.D., who has developed a list of questions that should be asked before planning an April Fools' prank:

Could the prank cause undue anxiety when uncovered? . Could it be misinterpreted by others as a serious event? . Does it involve deceiving more than a few people? . Is an element of fear or risk involved? . If you were on the receiving end of the prank, would you be upset?

英语作文600字 篇8

Last weekend, I took part in the school trip and went to HouHai lake. It not only made us relax but also brought happiness to us.

We took the bus to the lake. As soon as we arrived there, we climbed the drum tower and looked at the whole city and many hutong. Then we took a little boat to ride on the lakewhich is the most beautiful lake I have ever seen, meanwhile, we enjoyed the beautiful lake and the great sunshine. After rowing boats, we went into an alleyway nearby to visit a local family. Talking with them about their life and learning to make Chinese dumplings brought us lots of fun. Besides, we had fun seeing the folk art show such as taiping drums, lion dancing and dragon dancing.

In a word, the experience which enables me to know more different cultureleft me a good memory. I will keep it into my heart forever.



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