
2024-10-01 11:48:23



学英语作文 篇1

When we’re in a good mood, we shine like the sun. But if we find ourselves in the presence of a person, or people, in a grumpy mood, it can feel like a dark cloud approaching to dim our radiance and block our positive way of seeing the world. We can remind ourselves that clouds pass, while the sun and stars continue to shine above. Then it’s easier to think of these “grumps” affectionately, knowing that they only have the power to affect our mood if we allow it. With the power of change firmly in our hands, we can choose how to respond to a grumpy person, or a grumbling group of people, with confidence and understanding.

Like a lighthouse, we can continue to shine through the darkness, offering our light to help others find their way back to their own. We can send them a silent prayer of peace or a sympathetic smile. We may sense that reaching out to offer a comforting touch or hug can ease their frustrations and cause the clouds to dissipate. If they need understanding, we can sympathize without reinforcing the negativity they may be experiencing by directing their attention someplace more positive. Helping them find the humor in their situation might be appropriate and is a great way to lift spirits, or a logical approach may help them see all the good in the situation, in their lives and in the world.

We might find that someone we encounter often seems to be in a perpetual state of gloom. Our tendency in such cases may be to try to avoid them, but instead we can make the choice to offer support that comes from the heart. We may be inspired to ask if they would like some help or to offer suggestions that have helped us in the past. We can include thoughts of their health and happiness in our times of prayer and meditation. When we lend our energy to uplift another in any way, we improve our own lives while making the world a better place for all of us.

学英语作文 篇2

Do you know what a snowman is? Let us a make!

First, we a big ball of snow. Then we make another is smaller than the first snowball.

Now we make another very small snowball. We put it on top. Let us make a face on the snowman. Carrot is his nose. Some little rockets for his mouth and eyes. Two sticks for his arms.This hat are on the top for his hat.

Ok!The snowman is wonderful.

学英语作文 篇3

Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. Suppose you have two options upon graduation: one is to take a job in a company and the other to go to a graduate school. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


Facing the two options, I will choose to take a job in a company. There are mainly two reasons for my choice.

On one hand, I am eager to apply what I’ve learned to practice since I have got so many years’ schooling. Moreover, I am somewhat tired of the “ivory tower” life and ready for the “real world” life, for I assume that I can learn more from getting in touch with society. On the other hand, my family needs my financial support, because my parents are getting older and older and making less and less. Though it doesn’t take much to pursue my further study, I cannot support my parents financially if I choose to go to a graduate school.

To sum up, to take a job in a company meets my desire of learning from practice and support my parents financially, which is a better choice for me.






这道作文题目,是一道很好写的题目,跟大学生息息相关。在写作时,我们只需要选择其中一个,并给出做出该决定的原因即可。原因是主观的,每个人做出某个选择都会有理由,所以面对这道题目,每个考生都会有话可说。罗列两个原因时,可以用firstly, secondly, on one hand, on the other hand, for one thing, for another等引出。表达时,逻辑要清晰,语法及词汇要正确。

学英语作文 篇4

Dear daddy,

When I was doing my homework, Blaire called me to go out with her.

She wanted to go to the bookshop. I also have some books to buy, so I go out with her.

I will return at about 5 o'clock p.m.. Don't worry about me.

Yours, Lily

学英语作文 篇5

I live in a flat.When you go in you come into the hall.The toilet is on the left and the bathroom is on the right.There are two doors in front of you.The door on the left leads to a bedroom.

学英语作文 篇6

Show me

Hello,everyday ! My name is li Xiang Lan. I am a sunny girl. I am from Zhangye. I am 12 years old. My teacher say I am a clever and lovely girl.

I like English very much, and I like singing, too. I go to school five days every week. My school is not far from my home, and it is a nice school. There are 28 teachers and 384 students in my school. There are 14 classes in my school. My Chinese teacher is tall, my English teacher is tall, too. I love them a lot. Welcome to my school.

Do you want to be my friend? Please write to me. My E-mail is lzyzcjl@163.com.

学英语作文 篇7



我先教了她最简单的两个字母“A”和“B”,我教她发音,她发出沙哑而奇怪的声音,我觉得很好笑,但我忍住了。我又教了她如何书写“A”和“B” 两个字母,她的手像石头一样“硬帮帮”的.,不是写得很好,我就叫她多练几遍,这样就能练好的。




学英语作文 篇8

English has been the main subject for Chinese students. They have to learn it since primary school. But most parents have let their children learn English when they start to learn talking. There is no doubt that English is of great importance. One the one hand, as the world gets globalized, the most popular language is English. Most students choose to study abroad, so they need a common language to communicate with others. On the other hand, English plays a indispensable role in the business. Today, a lot of foreign companies seek for cooperation, so it is a good chance for Chinese companies, but the employees must know English. So, it is the trend to master English.

We must learn English to well



学英语作文 篇9

My father is not tall, body fat, has a black head of hair like crew cut. He has a long face, under the curved eyebrows with a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes.

My father is a "lazy". Every weekend, he always want to sleep in no mother do lunch. I cried several times also don't get up. Nao arch, learn the alarm clock that don't work. To mother to shout: "you ah, even than son, also like a when dad?" Finally, under the "torture" of my mother and I, and finally got up.

My father is very funny, humor. One day, I'm writing homework, dad after work, quietly came to my room to sing: "I'm back, I come back..." I listen to the roar with laughter. With joy, and father told a few jokes to me, than a fun, a than a funny.

This is my father, I like him very much.

