
2024-10-02 10:50:26



学英语作文 篇1

Today is a special day. That is my eighth birthday. I am very excited.

In the morning, mum and I went to the cake room to choose first, I choose the cake has a lot of delicious fruit, aunt and also to make the cake in cake made a very naughty little monkey, because I am a monkey, so I very happy see the monkeys.

When I got home, my grandma cooked fish and roast duck for me. Many of them were my favorite food, and I felt a great sensation when I looked at the big lunch.

When I took the camera for the camera, it was a pity that the camera had no electricity, so I had to take a few photos with my mother's phone, everything was ready, and the birthday party began.

I first lit eight birthday candles in the cake, made a good wish, this wish is I want to grow up to be a special soldier, defend the country, protect the relatives.

After that, I blew out the candles and the whole family gave me a nice gift, and I gave my blessing to my family.

Then, for each I cut a piece of cake, and sent to the hands, I cut a piece of small, have a meal, and having our family meals, eating cake, I quickly devoured, I was hungry.

We say smile, xi xi ha, smile of my belly all smile pain.

After dinner, I played with my grandma and grandpa for a while, and my grandfather went to work, and I reluctantly told my grandfather.

Today, I am so happy, because I am a year old again!

学英语作文 篇2

good little girls ought not to make mouths at their teachers for every trifling offense. this kind of retaliation should only be resorted to under peculiarly aggravating circumstances.

if you have nothing but a rag doll stuffed with saw-dust, while one of your more fortunate little playmates has a costly china one, you should treat her with a show of kindness, nevertheless. and you ought not to attempt to make a forcible swap with her unless your conscience would justify you in it, and you know you are able to do it.

you ought never to take your little brothers chawing-gum away from him by main force; it is better to rope him in with the promise of the first two dollars and a half you find floating down the river on a grindstone. in the artless simplicity natural to his time of life, he will regard it as a perfectly fair transaction. in all ages of the world this eminently plausible fiction has lured the obtuse infant to financial ruin and disaster.

if at any time you find it necessary to correct your brother, do not correct him with mud -- never on any account throw mud at him, because it will soil his clothes. it is better to scald him a little; for then you attain two desirable results -- you secure his immediate attention to the lesson you are inculcating, and, at the same time, your hot water will have a tendency to remove impurities from his person -- and possibly the skin also, in spots.

if your mother tells you to do a thing, it is wrong to reply that you wont. it is better and more becoming to intimate that you will do as she bids you, and then afterward act quietly in the matter according to the dictates of your better judgment.

you should ever bear in mind that it is to your kind parents that you are indebted for your food and your nice bed and your beautiful clothes, and for the privilege of staying home from school when you let on that you are sick. therefore you ought to respect their little prejudices and humor their little whims and put up with their little foibles, until they get to crowding you too much.

good little girls should always show marked deference for the aged. you ought never to sass old people -- unless they sass you first.

学英语作文 篇3

Many people almost cry their eyes out when watching some soap playsthrobbed with love themes。Love is the key element that leads a couple before the sacred altarof the church。


However, in the past, many people got married without their ownconsent in China. Their marriage was arranged. Tow persons, a man and a woman,who were entirely strangers, were united in wedlock and became husband andwife. They had known nothing of each other before, and of course, love was asealed book to both of them. This type of marriage often led to unhappiness. Tragicstories of ill-matched were common enough.


Nowadays, it is held by many people that one should not marrywithout love. A man and a woman may freely make friends with each other. Theydo not talk of marriage until their friendship has ripened into love. In their marriage,they may take other things into consideration, but they regard love as the mostimportant thing. This type of marriage usually brings happiness.


Moreover, love may be a temporary passion, and those who are in loveare often blind to other things, so that what we call love matches do notalways result in happiness. Therefore, while love is required before a marriageis arranged, it is not the only thing required.


学英语作文 篇4

Today is a big day for me, because this is my first day to go to primary school.对我来说今天是重要的'一天,因为这是我第一天上小学。

I am so excited but also nervous.我很兴奋但也很紧张。

When my parents drive me to school and then leave,当我的父母送我去学校,然后离开时,

I am scared,我感到害怕,

but when I see my classmates,但当我看到我的同学,

we know each other soon and have a good time.我们很快就了解彼此,度过了美好的时光。

I have made many friends, I love to go to school.我交到了很多朋友,喜欢上学。

学英语作文 篇5

As one of the most bewitching and international cities in China, I strongly recommend you, my dearest friends, to pay a visit to my hometown-Beijing. It is the capital of China for several dynasties over a long period. In the meantime, it has now evolved into the political, cultural and educational center.There are many places of interests here in Beijing, among which the Summer Palace is the most interesting attraction.

The Summer Palace is situated in the western outskirts of Beijing, and it is one of the most classical gardens in China, which enjoys a worldwide reputation. The most alluring scenery is Kunming Lake, with an exquisite building in the middle, and it involves three parts which are mainly used as the ancient empresss living quarter.

Im sure you can definitely experience the characteristic and traditional culture of China. Hope you could enjoy your trip!

学英语作文 篇6










学英语作文 篇7

Having been in Massey high School for more than one month, I still remember the first day I came here。 My eyes were lit up by seeing such three large magnificent football fields。 No doubt, for the soccer lover like my friends and me, nothing is better than the natural green—grass where we can run without any worries。

Two weeks later, our English teacher Mr。 Brodie found us, “Do you guys like soccer? Here is a social team of Massey High lacking members, do you want to join?” “Of course!” Answered by us without hesitation。 At weekend, with an excited heart, I arrived at the field to meet my new team partners。 Even before I stood up after changing into my soccer shoes, they came to me, shaking hands with me one by one and introduced themselves。 Some of them are kiwi; some are international students like me but came from South America (Guys from there always have amazing soccer skills just like people from China can use chopsticks well!)。 During the game, I fought the best, creating the opportunities for partners。 Our efforts got the reward, because we became the winner at last and I won the cheer from my partners。 Although my friends and I performed well at the soccer game, we found the lack of strength compared with the kiwis。 So now, hard soccer training and push—up have become an indispensable part of our life。

Many Thanks to the soccer for not only the benefits it brings to my physical health, but also the friendship and happiness。


两周后,我们的英语老师Brodie找到了我们,“你们热爱足球是吗?现在梅西高中有一支球队缺人,你们来吗?” “求之不得!”我们毫不犹豫地答到。 周末,我们怀着颗激动的心来到球场与我们的新队友们见面。甚至还没等我换好鞋起身,他们已经走过来与我一个个地握手,同时向我介绍他们自己。有些是欧美血统的.新西兰人,有些则与我们一样是国际学生,所不同的是他们来自南美洲(从那片大陆来的小伙伴们总有令人叹为观止的球技,就好比从中国人都能完美地用筷子一样)。 在比赛中,我拼尽全力为队友创造机会。我们的付出得到了回报——最后我们获得了胜利并赢得了同伴的赞许。 尽管我和我的朋友的在球赛中展现出了自己的实力,但我们深知在身体体能上我们和我们的新队友们是无法抗衡的。于是,刻苦的足球训练与俯卧撑、仰卧起坐等便成了我们生活中的一部分。


学英语作文 篇8

My View on the Post-graduate Craze

Every year, million of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance examination. More and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education. What is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma?

First, it is the demand of the time. In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society. Talents of high quality who are equipped with the latest knowledge and skill will be needed more than ever. That is why many students will further their studies.

Second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. Compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more preferential treatment, for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. A post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.

Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. One way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.

No wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Something I admire about the Western Culture. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below.

学英语作文 篇9

My room is not big, and the weather is beginning to get cold. My mother quilt the bed of my room. My mother also cleaned it very well. In the evening, my mother taught me to write in my room.

My room is full of photos of me and my mom and Dad, and my favorite mom sells the earth circle to me. Mom sometimes plays chess with me, and my favorite Barbie doll, storybook, fairy tale book, composition book...



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