
2024-10-04 02:08:24



英语作文 篇1

everyone has sure changed. everything has sure changed, too. in the life, we lose something, also get something, like our hometown.in our hometown, there used to be old houses, they used to be small and short. now, there are many new buildings. they are big and tall. the hometown still is the hometown, but it has changed a lot.rivers here used to be dirty.

now they are clean. ducks swim in the rivers, fishes in the rivers play with ducks. at night, stars also take showers in the rivers. the hometown still is the hometown, but it has changed a lot.time can change everything.

our hometown becomes more beautiful than before. we feel so happy.

英语作文 篇2

不文明行为 Immoral Behaviors in Public

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Immoral Behaviors in Public. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:

1. 我们经常在公共场合见到各种不文明的行为,叙述你的一次相关经历;

2. 这些不文明行为会有哪些影响;

3. 我们应该怎样改善这种现象。

Immoral Behaviors in Public

We have all seen or experienced it before---those inappropriate and often unsanitary actions which disgust and annoy most cultured people in society. Spitting, littering, peeing in public---all these and others fall into this category. I personally had the embarrassing experience one late night of seeing a man peeing alongside the river. He was not embarrassed at all.

Such inappropriate public behavior has a terrible effect on society. For one thing, most unsanitary behavior can spread germs and diseases to the general public. For another, they contribute to the pollution of the environment and show little or no consideration for the environment.

We must take steps as a society to improve this situation. Our government should sponsor public announcements and advertisements to emphasize the cultural inappropriateness of this kind of behaviors. Our schools and teachers should teach and enforce acceptable standards for all students. And in the home, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles should all work together to teach the children what is right by example.





One-child are faced with the challenge of university life 独生子女面临大学生活的挑战

Now more and more sons and daughters from one-child families are attending universities. They distinguish themselves as a new social group. This new generation have obvious advantages since they are brought up in favorable family circumstances. But there also exist some weaknesses in the way they think, behave, in their sentiments and in their characters.

Though most of these college students are intelligent and fond of study, some are comparatively less capable of handling their social and living affairs. When they meet something unexpected, they don’t know how to solve it. Some, even phone home to ask what to do each time they run into any problem. They feel weak at knowing how to conduct themselves in college for this is the first time for them to live independently.

I think we should not blame all this on them. It is not their own faults to be like this because they’re inevitable products of certain times. We should sincerely help them be aware of their shortcoming and adjust themselves to college life and to the society.

Summer life diary 暑假生活日记

I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of the countryside is very beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning breathing the fresh airlistening to the birds singing and enjoying the green trees red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends.

When night comes I sit under the tree with my grandma listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go backI am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.



对故事的'看法 View of the story

Dear Editor, I read the stories on BBC World Have Your Say today. I am interested in Mike's story, because I had the same experience when I traveled in Guangzhou. I can't stand bad manners in public, either. In fact, I really get angry when people jump the queen and smoke in non-smoking areas. I think it's wrong to break the rules in public. In my opinion, we should know more about good manners. On the other hand, we had better stop people around us from being rude. If we can't stop them, we can always ask the police or someone like that for help. Yours, Li Ming


住处的选择 Choosing Living Place

Livingplace is essential to people’s life. However, when asked the question what isthe better place do you want to live, different people have different opinions.Somepeople choose to live in city because the living standards in the city are muchhigher than in the countryside. What’s more, there are more chances ofemployment and you can find a suitable job for yourself. Last but not least, inbig cities you and your children can receive better education.


On the other hand, some people preferliving in countryside because of the fresh air and quite living condition. In the modern society, many people are ingreat pressure because of the fierce competition. As for these people,countryside life is a good choice for them to relax and be healthy.


For me, I wouldlike to live in big city. Firstly, I will graduate next year and in the bigcity I can have more chances to find a suitable job. Secondly, in the big city,there are many entertainment and public service such as swimming pool and park.Thirdly, as we all know, friend is very important and in big city, I can makesfriends with people from different countries and regions which can enrich mylife. Therefore, I like the city life.


Home Mortgage Slave 房奴

Nowadays, it is not strange to see a young people who become a mortgage slave, since Chinese people have made an agreement that get marry after buy a house. As we can see, the real estate advertisementis everywhere in the city. However, the real estate market strong impetus firstcame from the effective demand for the release of inpiduals.


By storing most of their wealth in real estate, many Chinese households have become house price dependent. They dream about that they will have a happy family life after they have a house of their own, but as a matter of fact, a family like that has to repay the loan principal and interest with 40%-50% of disposable income or even higher proportion every year. Undoubtedly, it will affect the normal consumption, make family life quality drops, and even make people feel depression of slavery.


Unlike the house slave, some young couple chose not to buy house formar riage, they rent an apartment, and use the rest money to enjoy life, likebuy something good for parents, take a trip when they like to. By contrast,their pressure is far smaller than house slave; they don’t have to worry about mortgage. In my point of view, I won’t become a house slave unless a have money to buy a house.


To conclude, become a home mortgage slave is really stressful, why don’t we abandon the conception that “we don’t get marry unless we own a house”. Use the extra money to make your life more colorful?


英语作文 篇3

An old man and his grandson were walking through a forest. The weather was so hot that they all wanted to drink sweet water to quench their thirst. For a long time they found a clear stream. They drank a lot of water with pleasure. "Thank you, brook." "Said the old man. The grandson laughed and said, "grandpa, why did you say thank you to the stream? It has no life, it is impossible to hear what you say, and it is impossible to understand what you say." "That's true." And if a Wolf comes to drink, he won't say thank you. But we are not wolves. We are human. A lot of what we have is given by nature. Shouldn't we be grateful for the bounty of nature?" After listening to grandpa's words, the grandson leaned over and kissed the stream. Then he said gently, "thank you, stream!"

英语作文 篇4


Children, do you believe the needle will float on the water?


On Saturday morning, my mother and I did the experiment of needle floating on the water. First, my mother found a needle, a clip and half a basin of water. I threw the needle in a clip and it sank quickly. Later, I tried again and again. At last, I carefully put it on the water surface with a clip. Then I slowly removed the clip and the pin floated on the water surface. "Mom, I made it. The needle is on the water." I shouted to my mother happily.


Why does the needle float on the water? I checked the data. It turns out that there is a certain tension on the surface of the water. The weight of the needle is smaller than the tension, so the needle can float on the water surface. If you throw the needle down by hand, the tension will be damaged and the needle will sink on the bottom of the basin.


I am so happy to see the needle floating on the water!

英语作文 篇5

i love travelling. when i was young, my parents always took me to other places to visit, such as beijing, zhuhai and guilin. but as i grow up, there’s such a heavy study-pressure that i can hardly afford time and energy to travel. fortunately, i can “travel” to a lot of far-away attractions in the fantastic world of books and tv. recently i have learnt about rio de janeiro from books. i feel ecited and want very much to travel there.

rio de janeiro lies along the coast of atlantic ocean. it’s brazil’s second largest city. firstly, i love the climate in rio de janeiro. sea climate is comfortable and it never gets too dry or too wet. secondly, i love the beautiful beaches. i always form a picture in my mind of being at the seaside. i imagine myself walking on the beach. the sunshine is mild in the late afternoon and i feel the soft wind moving across my face.

i can see the sun moving slowly below the sea level, just like a hot, red ball falling into the water. some seagulls are flying above the sea and others rest themselves on ship-boards. i take off my shoes. soft sand flows through my toes. little waves sometimes run towards me and wet my trousers, just like naughty children. i enjoy this feast for both my body and spirit. now i know that the beauty of nature is the greatest beauty in the world.

alone, i’m just walking, walking and walking.

英语作文 篇6

This Week's Film

Name: Spring

Time: 7∶30 p。m。 Saturday, May 8

Place: The meeting-room

The Student Union

