英语作文400字 篇1
Sunflower is a kind of beautiful flower. It has golden color and a round face. It looks like the sun, that is why people call it sunflower. Besides, it looks like a warm smile, too. When you look at it, it seems smile to you. It can bring warm to people. So, I like sunflower very much. During the day, its face turns to the sun all the time. When autumn comes, it is ripe. Therefore, we can eat its seeds. They are very delicious.
英语作文400字 篇2
Transportation has been greatly changed in the past few years.
In ancient days, people used to travel by horse or carriage. The journey was often tiring and tedious. Then people had buses, trains and ships, which could shorten the time of the long-distance trip. Now we have not only more private cars, but also planes and high-speed rails. All of these modern transports could offer us a quick and pleasant travel. Thus, more and more people enjoy traveling very much these days. In conclusion, modern transportation has completely changed our life. Thanks to modern transportation, our world is becoming smaller and smaller.
英语作文400字 篇3
On my way to school there was something wrong with my bike.What should I do?I would be late for class.I checked the bike again and again,but I didn't know what the matter was.I was so worried that I was wet all over.Just then an old man came up to me."What's the matter,young man?" He said,"Let me help you." I was glad that my bike was mended a few minutes later.
I didn't really know what I should say.I thanked him again and again,He said with a smile,"It is my pleasure.We should help each other." Yes,we should help each other.When I see someone is in trouble,I will help him,too.
英语作文400字 篇4
记得上个学期、我们上英语课、因为英语老师要去听课、所以安排了作业给我们做、但是她又怕太吵、所以叫英语课代表管纪律、谁违反了纪律、谁就将这次的作业做30遍、我们都乖乖的做了起来、但是、英语老师刚刚走、我们班上那几个调皮的男生就吵了起来、课代表就记了他们的.名字、还让他们别吵、不然就把名单拿给老师看、可是那几个人那里会听啊........继续吵 、课代表就发火了、说:“如果你们静下来、我就把你们的名字都画掉”其中有一个男生说:“你以为你是谁啊、再说了、老师也只是说说而已、又不是真的。”说完就继续吵了起来、到快要下课的时候、老师就回来了、拿起名单看了看、就对我们说、:“班上一个人犯错、全班一起罚”老师刚说完、我们就在那里讨论了“怎么可以这样、又不是我们的错”“就是啊、我们可没有吵啊、为什么要罚我们、这不公平”听他们这么说、我也很生气、心里一直在想、老师怎么这么不诚实啊、不是说好只罚违反纪律的人吗??怎么又罚我们全班的人啊、这不公平........
英语作文400字 篇5
book is our best company. it always was, and will never change. a book is often the best treasure of a life. it introduces us into the best society and bring us the presence of the great minds. temples and statues decay, but books survive.
when i feel sad, i would turn to book for release my sorrows and pains. book often provides the comforts for me. some people say there is no time to read book, but i think they probably can‘t settle down their minds. they might have wasted their valuble things and the greatest companies. i am glad i keep reading book as my best interest. i will benefit from book and have a great future.
英语作文400字 篇6
Dear Linda,
I finished my end-of-year exams last week and got my report card today .I had a hard time with history, I think history is very difficult .my history teacher doesn’t like me he said I was lazy, which isn’t true. another disappointing result was in sciences ,my science teacher said I could do better .the good news is that my math teacher said I was hard-working, and my English teacher said I was better at reading than listening , my Spanish teacher said I was better at speaking than writing .
How was you report ?