
2024-10-05 15:40:23



英语作文 篇1

showing ones best is essentially different from showing off. it is a quality not everybody can be good at. in order to do so you are advised to do three things. first, you should equip yourself with the best knowledge you can acquire. only thus can you be confident of yourself. second in importance is a good command of verbal skills. this is how effectively you will be able to make yourself convincing. my last advice is modesty. dont let others suspect you are being arrogant and showing off.

英语作文 篇2

With the increasing number of trust issuein nowadays, people seems are not trusty as before。 In the spirit ofdiscretion, every one become a cautious person, everything they do, they arenot only discreet but careful as well。 At the same time, this behavior somehowaffects couples, now the conjugal secret accounts have become a hot topic, anddifferent people have different opinions on this problem。


People who are against with the conjugalsecret accounts hold the opinion that husband and wife should be honest to eachother。 Once female and male are get marry, they are supposed to open heart toeach other, share everything together, including the money they earned。,and hide no secret from each other。 Hence, a conjugal secret accountis not acceptable。 This is a sign of disloyalty。


While some people hold the opposite viewsthat couples should save a private room for each other。 Getting married doesn’tmean that you have to expose everything to your soul mate; sometimes a littlesecret will makes relationship delightful。 A conjugal secret account is not abig deal since everyone has the desire to buy something that their husband orwife doesn’t agree to, as long as they earn the money for the secret accountsby themselves。


Weighing up these two arguments intoaccount, I prefer the latter one。 You don’t have to show everything to yoursoul mate and a conjugal secret accounts are acceptable。 Cheating isdisloyalty, but not a secret account。


英语作文 篇3

今天,我们上了一节有趣的英语课,有趣的英语课作文。这是一节公开课,给我们上课老师是郑老师,她是一位女教师,我很喜欢上她的英语课,因为她上课十分活跃,让我们听得十分入神。今天第一节课就是郑老师的课。在上课铃打响前,我们都鸦雀无声地等待着开课的'那一刻。当时,我们班大多数同学心里一点也不安稳,很紧张,而我和别人刚好相反,一点也不紧张,反而十分轻松,心里却像热锅上的蚂蚁,急切地等待着郑老师的到来。开课了,一大群老师边说边笑着从教室的后门走了进来,随着走进教室了老师不断增多,我的心里不免也有些紧张起来了,小学四年级作文《有趣的英语课作文》。课一开始,郑老师就走到电脑前放了一首动听的英语课,在郑老师的指挥下,大家站起来合着音乐的节拍,边唱边做动作。接下来玩 ……此处隐藏2534个字……gas see my red face full of supervision, the appearance of the cramped said:

Electric this you know don't understand, "I" if amnesty, quickly shook his head, and then like to say to me like the director next to him said.

"This can be, when the time comes in to buy some electrical specification see, water and electricity, with into."

This like a centering agent, I am going to jump from the throat of the heart to pull back, I looked at him full of gratitude, I think how grateful I am eyes revealed he can understand,

The man nodded, and also interviewed me "good good, this can leave"

Clearance of the gas is very man for me and said, "go down to buy two water and electrical specifications, the site with" a pair of care for the younger generation and the mouth of the education make some wet my eyes, and he took out two books from the bosom two or three centimeters thick, one lower case the big specification, he said: "this one is of water supply and drainage, one is electric, buy later can see more, these two books that you are using now!"

"I can write down the title?" I asked I hooked up, put down after they gave me a number of workers, said that if you want to do this, just make a phone call to the thousands of workers, he will give me arrangement, I am even say thank you.

In a brief interview that some drama ended in success, but there is one thing that I've been careful thought, bogus company with much these days, my id card can get to come back, I just get up, the woman who do civilian said: "you interview after oral walked first, then such notice"

I kind of ask a way: "that, id..."

"Oh, it's your id card," I'm not done yet, she was in a loud scream, the transfer of large print, will take back my id card copy machine.

"At that time the busy forget" apologies in eyes with a smile

"Nothing, nothing," I took the id card, also don't back out of it like a "spike in escaping" room. After the tension relaxed, I seem to forget that the individual and Wang Yixin, but immersed in the joy of the admission, I did not care so much, the thriving orchard, especially happy mood, not the limit of time, I also did not return by the way, but is down to the direction of the walk down, walking past a construction site, I am curious to see the busy, later I will be one of them, the site soon to the fork road, a turn, and I come to the doorway of a pharmaceutical factory, my face is permeated with his happy don't understand, the time seemed to affect my judgment, the road to see everyone from my heart to feel familiar and if if no goodwill, street are pharmaceutical factory site, I was a man so walked in the way home, I carefully looked at the sign on the way, go on as kam road, this time I can't in doubt yourself, before long I saw a familiar platform familiar road.

Familiar with return without the fear of her coming, the in the mind is much above the experience.

