
2024-10-07 17:36:23



英语作文400字 篇1



比赛开始了。第一个上场的选手非常紧张,眼睛看着地,怯生生的声音总是卡壳。第二个选手倒是大大方方的。不一会儿,就轮到铭铭就上场了。她表演的`是首英语韵律歌。铭铭先介绍了一下她自己。她介绍时,眼睛看着地,但一会儿就发挥自如了。铭铭边唱歌边做各种既有趣又好玩的动作,唱呀跳呀,她载歌载舞,好像沉浸在了自己的歌声中了。她唱的这首歌很短,所以一会儿工夫就唱完了。接下来的选手的年龄越来越小,最小的才4岁。那个4岁的小女孩唱的是《London bridge》(伦敦桥)。上台时,因为脚够不着楼梯,所以被主持人抱上台子。这位小朋友好像有点胆小,但最终在老师鼓励下,天真可爱地唱完了整首歌。

英语作文400字 篇2






英语作文400字 篇3

Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something unreal but interesting or meaningful? Tell your closet friend about it now. My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I don't have to worry about the old age during which I even can't take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.


我的'梦想 我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。我深知我的梦想不会实现。然而,我很幸运,现在我很年轻。 因此,我一定要珍惜青春好时光,享受生活,并且尽最大努力把每件事情做好。

英语作文400字 篇4

Dear Fran,

I’m very glad to hear that Mei is so good at English。 In my opinion, you should tell Mei:” you should to jion the exams, because it’s a great experience for you and learn form other。” You should tell Mei:” you speak English very well and you should believe you can do better and you always comes top in the school exams。 If she said she can’t do it。

Then you should tell your classmates:” you should believe she is the best in our school。 You should give she a little time to do it 。


英语作文400字 篇5

Today, I, my mother, brother, sister together in grandma's house to eat dinner, there are all kinds of dishes on the table, fish, shrimp... The table is full.

After the dinner on New Year's Eve, we watch the Spring Festival Gala on television, imperceptibly after 12, I out of the house heard the crackling sound of firecrackers, a bright and colorful fireworks in the sky, like a flower, very beautiful!

We started to set off firecrackers in the garden. I think of a very interesting game, I called my sister, brother to hold around, call my brother to light fireworks, it is very good to see!

Today is a happy New Year's Eve!

英语作文400字 篇6

What is integrity? Integrity is a good quality of being honest. It is a fine virtue for everyone. A man of integrity is loved by all. Without integrity, he will lose the best friend.

Integrity is especially important for students. We should finish our homework independently. We must return books when it is due. We should listen to the teacher carefully no matter what kind of lesson it is. If we promise to do something, we should try our best to do it well.


1) a man of integrity一个正直的人

2) when it is due到期

3) No matter what kind of lesson it is.无论是什么课

