
2021-09-11 10:02:56



春天的英语作文 篇1

This is a good start, the world for her coming lit up all the lights in between heaven and earth, she picked up the breeze of the pen, draw the mind carpet of flowers of the earth. In this world, the spring is coming.

Start from now, the world is like open space, after she started her unique prosperous. All things recovery, the creatures of the world have started to busy to complete the mission of nature gives them, to life hard for the prosperity in the world, the flowers grass grow hard, that used to sorrow, now taken on a new look! The cold night, be light cut, deported from warm, everything begins to exclamation busy!

Arrogance arrogance was away, instead, the tenderness of spring, gentle hand to comfort the frightened animals, leading them go out of his house; Spring breeze gently calling underground) awoken elf, they go up from the soil, eventually turned into a small animals like to eat fruit, to appease these lovely children of nature.

The small pool in the distance, the duck mother followed by many cute little duck, the happy fish swimming in the water, the water unconsciously become very warm. Nearby, in the warm sunshine, the petals flying in the sunshine, full of the flower branches near the grass. Those beautiful flowers, as long as gently touch will have dropped.

Then under the sky began to rain, accompanied by more and more rapid "tick tick" melody, rain, and the fairies began to scour the chill of evil, for you weave with air of filar silk cool and refreshing, this is the beginning of spring.






春天的英语作文 篇2


Spring is coming, the weather is getting warmer, buds are growing on the trees, and people's clothes are getting thinner and thinner.

走出家门,可以看见,树上抽出了嫩芽,柳树上也抽出了新的柳条,小草也变成了浅绿色。偶尔能看见几朵小花,有黄的、绿的、红的,真是好看极了。有时候也能看见小鸟在树上唱歌或者在天空 中自由自在的飞翔。

Out of the door, you can see that the tree out of the buds, willow out of the new wicker, grass has become light green. Occasionally I can see a few small flowers. They are yellow, green and red. They are really beautiful. Sometimes you can see birds singing in trees or flying freely in the sky.


Ah! What a change in spring!

春天的英语作文 篇3

A Busy Spring 忙碌的春天

As spring comes, everything on earth comes to life. After an overnight s raining, the trees and flowers seem to wear their new clothes. Birds are chanting in trees. Butterflies keep dancing in flowers. All these elements form an elegant spring life.


As spring comes, everything is in a rush. Swallows are busy with building their nests; frogs are busy with breeding their offspring; little grass is busy with growing up; seeds are busy with sprouting. And the farmers are busy with their farm work. Look, how hard they are working in their field! So there s no doubt that they will reap a good harvest through their hard work.


春天的英语作文 篇4

In spring,our school becomes more beautiful. In our school garden, there are flowers smiling at you. There some are yellow,and red flowers.The trees turn green.They look so beautiful in green clothes.The sun is shining so brightly.

Some boys are playing game in the sun.You can also hear a group of girls sing songs, about the spring .All these make me think that spring is here and spring is just in our school.

春天的英语作文 篇5

This past winter, the spring with lightsome pace came to earth, meet like everywhere, change into spring. Today, I about several friend to appreciate the home field of spring.

We walked on the ridge, spring breeze blowing straight up, very comfortable. Don't like winter, because spring the bitter, only with a chill. You see, at the foot of the sleeping a winter grass, now woke up, and stubbornly stick your head out of the ground. Although only a little pale green, is full of vitality. Some unknown flowers, the flower, that a bunch of the spill on the ridge. Green is about to drip of CanDouMiao neatly stand beside the ridge.

I lifted up his eyes, the eyes is a vast stretches of the crops. Golden rape flowers open is booming, hard-working bee, fly to the said some whispers, then fly to where a kiss kiss. And this, that a piece of bright green clover, embroidered naturally with some little purple flower, pretty great. Is dial section MaiMiaoEr, like a green carpet, thick, spread over the fields.

See this, I think of the proverb: a year in the spring. Oh, this is the hope of his peasants plowing.

I love the hometown of spring field. It is like a picture scroll, full of poetic. So I am happy to friends said: "it's a pity that I am not a painter, or I will use crayons to draw under the charming home field, let it spread out in front of our eyes forever.






春天的英语作文 篇6

Spring is the first season of a year, There are there months in spring : Morch , April and May , The weather is warm and windy. It rains a lot. The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont. In spring, I can wear my shirts. I often plant trees and go hiking . So I like spring very much. Of course, I like the Spring Festival, too.


春天的英语作文 篇7

the waterfall behind our house at the lower end of lake edenwold is a thundering cascade of spring runoff from the melting snows of winter. it's been a three-week drum roll leading up to today, when the cymbal will crash and the earth will arrive at that point in its orbit around the sun where it will be light for as many hours as it will be dark.

today is really the celestial climax to a prelude whose crescendo has been growing now for a month in the forests and lakes all around us. beginning in late february and through the month of march on my saturday morning hikes through the lower highlands, i have watched spring slowly unfold before my eyes.a pair of hooded mergansers suddenly appeared on our lake earlier this month and i heard the unmistakable call of a wood duck. several thousand feet overhead, an enormous, migratory flock of canada geese undulated like strands of limp black thread suspended against a steel gray sky; their wild honking clearly audible in spite of the flock's altitude.

just a little more than one week ago, as i came to a place in the woods where the forest suddenly yields to what is a wild flower meadow in the late spring and summer, the bare trees were filled with hundreds of red-winged blackbirds, their cacophonous chatter filling the otherwise still morning air. it was an eerie harbinger of spring, reminiscent of the alfred hitchcock movie "the birds." later that same afternoon, a small flock of cedar waxwings, another migratory species of songbirds stopped for a rest in a nearby tree only two blocks from our house.

man has always been fascinated with the arrival of spring. king solomon weighed in on it when he wrote these words from his "song" in the old testament: "see! the winter is past; the rains are over and gone. flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. the fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance."the arrival of spring has always marked a rebirth of sorts, not just for nature but also for us humans. it is a time of awakening, a time to forget the old and to embrace the new.

for most kids it's simply a time when they can play outside longer, riding their new bicycles and skateboards or shooting hoops in driveway basketball courts. for some adults it can be a serious time, a release from the seasonal depression caused by the reduced hours of sunlight during the dark months of winter.but for most of us, it is a release from the mundane things that after three months have added up to the point where we are all just ready for a change. you know: things like having to wear layers of heavy clothing, white-knuckle drives to work on icy roads, and leaving home mornings in the dark only to drive back home again in darkness later the same afternoon.

the crocus and daffodils will soon start peeking their heads above last year's pine bark nuggets and what's left of the winter snow still piled in the beds under the white pines out by the road.they are yet another prelude to the appearance of more flowers and birds: the warblers and the tanagers that will shortly appear in the trees around my home. i can't wait to inhale the aromas of things like the warming earth, new mown grass, and fresh piles of damp cedar mulch. and i am looking forward to that first morning when i can sit outside on my deck with a cup of coffee and feel comfortable without having to don a fleece or a heavy woolen shirt.

whatever your passion in life, take time like the busy king solomon to pause from it for a moment over the next few weeks and just sit and watch and enjoy the spectacle of spring unfold before your eyes.

and give thanks.

