
2021-09-18 05:02:24



话题英语作文 篇1

The Joys Of Learning English

Some of my friends are puzzled that I have chosen English as my major to have a further study in college.They believe that their majors like electronic machinery and civil engineering are hopefully promising and that my choice,learning English is not wise .I, however,think English Study has brought me rewards , including practical use andainner satisfaction.

One obvious reward of learning English is practical use .I firstly have more opportunities to open up my new horizon in daily life . Spending much more time in learning it enables me to view popular English TV shows or read some English periodicals and classics . That spurs me to know more about something western , like lifestyles or thinking patterns ,by which , my knowledge reserves and horizon naturally are expanded . English study also is an advantageous skill for career development .With the encrease in cost of filling the vacant positions ,many foreign employers are more willing to hire a technical talent mastering English rather than spend more money on hiring a technical talent and an English one . Learning English Clearly gives a great advantage of getting a job.

More important , Learning English is joyful because the inner satisfaction it gives .I felt excited and fulfilled when I figured out the beauty of a word or true intention of the author .Two weeks ago ,I was asked to finish an English writing about an emotion .I did not do well in the first two times , although I employed all my energies in it .When my teacher reminded me to pay attention to one word “emotion ”, I leaped to a conclusion that I just narrated an event rather than described an emotion . I finally did an excellent revised manuscript. That improvement in English study made me attain a sense of satisfaction although it was a small step in learning it.

Some people may think English study wastes much time and energy and is barely useful .In fact , I am pleased with English study in that it is useful in daily life now and my future career , and most of all , it gives me a inner satisfaction .

话题英语作文 篇2

Telling Lies

Telling lies is usually looked upon as an evil, because some people try to get benefit from dishonest means or try to conceal their faults.

However,_I_thinkdespitejits_neg1ative_effects,jsometimes_itjisjessentialto iemigsinour_dailylifei First, the liar may benefit from the lie by escaping from the pressure of unnecessary embarrassment. Meanwhile, the listener may also feel more comfortable by reasonable excuses. For example, if a little girl’s father died in an accident, her mother would comfort her by saying “farther has gone to another beautiful land”. In such cases, a lie with original goodwill can make the cruel nice. Second^thejsk^lsjofJtellingJlies^jtojsome extent,canbe_regard_asja_capacity_ofcreationandjimagination.

Therefore,jtakingjallJthese_factor^jntojconsideration,_wecandefinitely come to the conclusion that whether telling a lie is harmful depends on its original intention and the ultimate result it brings. (159 words)


说谎通常被视为罪恶,因为一些人试图通过不诚实的'手段或对自身 缺点的掩盖,从而获利。

然而,我认为尽管有其消极影响,但有时在我们的日常生活中,说 谎是不可避免的。首先,说谎者能借谎言免去一些不必要的尴尬所带来 的压力。同时,听众也会因合理的借口而感到更加自在。例如,如果一 个小女孩的父亲在一次意外中丧身,她的母亲就会安慰她说:“爸爸去 了另一个美丽的世界。”在这样的例子中,善意的谎言能化残酷为美好。 其次,说谎的技巧从某种程度而言可被视为一种创造力和想象力。

因此,综上所述,我们能够得出结论:谎言是否有害,这取决于它 的意图以及最终带来的后果。

话题英语作文 篇3

Dear President of IOC,

How do you do? As we all know, the 29th Olympic Games is going to be held in Beijing in 20xx. Now the selection for its mascot has begun. I, a Chinese ordinary middle school student, want to recommend a kind of special animal to you---the Tibetan antelope. First, the Tibetan antelope is mild and friendly, which I think could symbolize peace of the world and friendship among people of different countries. Second, this kind of animal not only can endure extremely low temperature, but also can run very fast. These

characteristics also symbolize the spirit of the Olympic Games---“FASTER, HIGHER, AND STRONGER”. Therefore, I think it is the suitable mascot for the 29th Olympic Games.

Could you please consider my recommendation? If you want to know more about the Tibetan antelope, please do not hesitate to contact me. I also have some pictures of them. I can send them to you next time.

Thanks very much!

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

话题英语作文 篇4

I've been wanting to become a doctor since childhood. It hurts my heart to see the patients suffering from various physical and mental diseases. I understand that it is a long road to become a doctor, but I am resolute to pay the work. Still in middle school, I will start reading books and magazines concerning basic biological information and new medical advances. Of course, math and science are the foundation of all academic subjects, so I will try to do my best in these classes. I plan on finishing a graduate's degree and turn my dream of helping the needy into reality.

话题英语作文 篇5

Topics 01


That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value. Thomas Paine


Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples.

Topics 02


If we are afraid to reveal our lack of knowledge we will not be able to learn. In order to make progress we must admit where we are now. Such an admission of ignorance is not easy. As Thoreau says, How can we remember our ignorance which our growth requires, when we are using our knowledge all the time?


Does the present system of education encourage us to admit our lack of knowledge, or is there too much pressure to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge? Plan your response...

Topics 03


A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation.C.E.Ayers


Is it always essential to tell the truth, or are there circumstances in which it is better to lie? Plan your response...

Topics 04


Many societies believe that the pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human right. But it is also true that attainment of happiness remains elusive. Perhaps Bertrand Russell had it right when he said, To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.

