
2021-09-18 05:02:25



学英语作文 篇1

National Day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.My family are going to Hainan.

It's a good seaside city.We are staying there for a week. We are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.

We're visiting Tianya Haijiao,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places.I think we'll have a good time there.

学英语作文 篇2





学英语作文 篇3

Visit to the Primary School

Yesterday afternoon, my teacher led ten students to a poor primary school in the suburbs. I was one of them. We got there at 3 o'clock and they were in class. So we went to the office first. We took some books, stationery and gadgets for students. We gave them to the school principal directly. I was a little surprised by the environment. There's no gate, no playground and only one building with eight rooms, six of them for classrooms and one for office, the another one for cooking, because some students eat their lunch at school. After a short chat in the office, we went to the classrooms and attended to class. They were all concentrated but the students of Grade One were a little naughty. They moved in chairs often and sometimes talked with neighbors. After class, students gathered on the front of the building and they were pided into five groups that each of them contained two of my classmates. We told stories, sang songs and played small games. All of my classmates were impressed by this visit and we hoped that we could go there again.


学英语作文 篇4

A Rainy Day

Today is a rainy day and it’s cold with the temperature of 5℃. There are only a few people on the street and they all wear thick down coats and boots. They walk quickly and seem to go somewhere to escape from cold.

It has been cold for a very long time and this winter is colder than ever, but I like it very much because I was born in winter. Besides, in my oppion, only the coldness makes a real winter.





学英语作文 篇5

Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday.

From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life.

I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good!



学英语作文 篇6

Chinese Youth’s Day is on May 4th, it is to in honor of the students’ movement in the year of 1919, at that time, the government made a failing diplomacy in Paris, which resulted in signing the treaty of losing the land. When the students heard about this, they were so angry that they paraded around the street to go against the government’s decision. The movement is completely against the imperialism and feudalism, it has great effect on Chinese history. Since then, the new Chinese government made that day as Youth’s Day to commemorate its influence. Now on that day, many activities will be hold, we could see the new feature in the young generation, they are brave and fight for their future.

学英语作文 篇7


我是太原的一名小学生,我的名字叫王菲,今年十二岁。我的所有的老师都对 我很好,我也喜欢他们。 我是一个个子很高的女孩,我的头发又长又黑,眼睛又大又亮,同学们都说我 很漂亮。 我最喜欢打乒乓球,并且常常看电视转播的乒乓球比赛。我还喜欢听音乐。我 钢琴弹得不错,长大后我想成为一名钢琴演奏家。 我还喜欢读各种各样的书籍,从书中可以学到很多知识。阅读有助于开阔我的 眼界。书籍确实是我最好的朋友,它们将带我走向光明的未来。

关于我自己(About Myself)

I’m a primary school student in Taiyuan. My name is Wang Fei. I’m twelve years old. All my teachers are very friendly to me and I like them all.

I’m a tall girl. I have long black hair and big bright eyes. All my classmates say I’m pretty.

My favorite sport is ping-pong. I often watch ping-pong games on TV. I like listening to music. I’m good at playing the piano. I want to be a pianlist when I grow up.

I also like reading all kinds of books. I can learn a lot from books. Reading helps to open my eyes. Books are really my best friends. They will lead me to a bright future.

