Teenagers work for extra money during the summer or winter vacation.About this people have different ideas.Some are for it while others disagree.
I think it is meaningful for us high school students to take part-time jobs in our spare time.It is more than earning some money.It can broaden our views and enrich our holiday life because we can learn what we cant learn in classes.Whats more,through part-time jobs we can get some working experience which will prepare us for our future.
I hold the view that its much better to help pay our family living expenses instead of keeping the money as our own pocket money.lt is a good chance for us to take on an important responsibility for our family.
我认为对于我们高中生来说,在课余时间做兼职是有意义的。 这不仅仅是挣钱,它可以拓宽我们的.眼界,丰富我们的假期生活,因为我们可以从中学到在课堂上学不到的东西。另外,通过做兼职,我们可以获得一些工作经验,为我们的未来做准备。
我认为用打工挣的钱帮助支付我们的家庭生活开支比当作自己的零花钱要好得多。 对我们来说这是承担家庭重要责任的好机会。