
2021-09-18 10:02:17



英语作文300字 篇1

My desk mate is a lovely girl.Her name is Li Xiang.She tells me that the meaning of her name is dream.Her parents hope her to be a girl with dream.She is a little bit shy,but I am outgoing.So I often talk to her after class.I want to make friends with her.At first,she did not talk too much,but latter,she liked talking to me.We share our interests with each other.Of course,we help each other in study and make progress together.

英语作文300字 篇2

One day, I made an appointment with Wang Ping togo to the bookstore together on Sunday. But on that weekend my grandparents came from my hometown unexpectedly. I was overjoyed so that I forgot the appointment. On Sunday I showed my grandparents around the city. And I was so careless that I forgot to apologize to her later.


英语作文300字 篇3


今天,我特意把自己打扮的漂亮一点。来到教室没多久,老师就叫我们收拾东西,去小报告厅上课。于是我们来到了小报告厅,hello c已经在那里等我们了。开始上课,因为后面坐着许多听课老师,我的头皮阵阵发麻,也许是紧张的表现吧?也许这是真的,每次我都知道老师提出问题的答案,但是我的'手仿佛有千斤重,怎么也举不起来。终于有一次,我举起了手,老师马上叫了我,尽管5秒钟就能完成回答,但我的心还是像要从喉咙里跳出了一样!吓死我了。


英语作文300字 篇4

Happiness is important in our life. In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.

I will never forget one thing. Once, I had a bad mark at a math test. I was shy and afraid to meet my parents. But when I got back home late, my parents knew what happened, they said to me: “It doesn’t matter, my child. Remember we’ll be always beside you when you need help. We believe you can be better next time. Never give up!” I was moved and made up my mind to work harder and harder.

I feel happy. Whenever I am in trouble, I can feel my parents’ love. I want to be a good child for my parents.

英语作文300字 篇5

Family.What kind of thoughts cross your mind when i said this word? Career. And again, what cross your mind? Now why don‘t you relate this two topics together? true enough, you might be thinking " a diligent father working all day and earning a mere income of 100 dollars. He fails to be family orientated." What i would like to express is that no matter how busy you are or how important your job to you is, like as if you‘ll be losing your job the next day, please don‘t forget to spend some time with your family too! Always remember "family comes first‘!

