
2021-09-23 16:41:51



英语作文 篇1

Celebrations of the Chinese New Year in Chinese families last for about two weeks. The celebrations begin with traditional house cleaning. The Chinese get rid of old and useless things. They do this to throw away the misfortunes of the past year.

On Chinese New Year's Eve all family members enjoy a big, delicious meal. It is very important for the Chinese to be with their families on this occasion. Fish is always part of the dinner because it represents abundance.

On New Year's Day all Chinese children wear new clothes with bright colours. Red is considered a lucky colour. Parents and relatives give children the traditional New Year's gift called lucky money" This money is put into bright red and gold envelopes.

celebration 庆祝,庆典 misfortune 不幸,灾祸 delicious 美味的

occasion 场合,时机 represent 象征 abundance 丰富,充裕

庆 祝 春 节




英语作文 篇2

The breakaway group in Ukraine's eastern Donetsk region says over 89% percent of voters backed independence in its referendum on Sunday.

Roman Lyagin, head of the Central Electoral Commission of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic:

"We have decided to announce the results immediately. Each one of you can see for yourselves that this election was fair. Each one of you was able to visit the polling stations. And we have called you here to give you the results as soon as we had calculated them. We can see that the turnout percentage is quite high but is not a record for a Ukrainian plebiscite (vote) - 74.87 percent."

Donetsk is one of two regions holding referenda on independence from Ukraine.

The results from the other region, Lugansk, suggest that some 96% may have voted for self-rule.

About 3 million ballots have been distributed in towns and cities in the two regions, which have a total population of 6.6 million.

However, Ukrainian authorities and Western countries have denounced the controversial referenda as "illegal."

British Foreign Secretary William Hague:

"These votes (in eastern Ukraine), these attempts of referendum have zero credibility in the eyes of the world, they are illegal by any bodies, standards, they don't meet any standard, not a single standard of objectivity, transparency, fairness, or being properly conducted as a public referendum or election and indeed the people organising them didn't pretend to meet any of those standards."

Dutch Foreign Minister Frans Timmermans has said he expects EU foreign ministers meeting in Bru ……此处隐藏3328个字……s’ chat. I like girls’ night, we can share our secret with our friends.


英语作文 篇9


目前高考及其他阶段各种采用的听力测试题型主要为三种:短对话、短篇以及长对话。答题形式有两种:多项选择题(Multiple Choice)和填空题(Spot Dictation)。其中填空题有的空格要求考生听懂长对话内容,填其“意义”而不是细节性的具体单词。





A. On March 2

B. On March 3

C. On March 5

D. On March 8




A. They’d better not go riding.

B. Riding a bike is a great idea.

C. It’s not good riding in the rain.

D. They can go riding half an hour later.



[注] 听短对话时切忌走神。万一走神,比如说第4题没听清楚,你的本能反应是想再听,想回忆——但根本不可能,所以此刻只好猜题。猜题还有1/4的希望;反思的话,不巧把第5题也给漏掉!

听短文。听短文时要学会“记要”(taking notes)。记要有两类,一是用符号记下关键信息(如数量大小、时间顺序等);一是用具体文字记。这是因为短文耗时长,有人会“前听后忘记”。另外一个决窍是“超前”浏览短篇的选项。如:

A. Why a company lost its customers.

B. Why a company went out of business.

C. How a company went from bad to worse.

D. How a company got out of its difficult situation.

考生一扫描就意识到该题指全文中心思想,并立即分辨出问题要么问理由(针对why), 要么讲过程(针对how)。

听长对话。听长对话也应该有个“超前”扫描,先对对话话题有个印象。在对话进行时要注意“细节”(detail)和“关键词” (key words),必要时也得作“记要”:用铅笔,在边(test paper margin)记一下。Taking notes的技巧可以从《英语(新世纪版)》年级的课本中去找。




1. 每次训练宜一气呵成。高考听力是一气呵成,中间无间歇的。

2. 每次训练要尝试“超前”技巧。

3. 听完,对好答案,要反思,查一查自己丢分的道理,查一查自己的“软肋”。

(二)抓基本功。选择材料,听取“意群”(sense group),听“连读”(liaison),听“重读”(stressed words)以及“略读”(reduction)。为什么?因为目前高考听力并不采用“真实语言材料”(authentic material)。在真实生活中的对话,处处用到上述4种口语“技巧”。一般速度快,句子短或者不完整。所以从长远看,要真正提高听力水平,应从基本功开始,在迎接高考之初,第二种准备方法为时不晚,关键是勤奋。



关于听力基本功训练,建议选用《英语(新世纪版)听力》(上海外语教育出版社)。该书1~3册,每单元后都有Mechanic Skills的专项训练,附有“意群”、“连读”、“重读”及“略读”的实例。

另外,如考生有条件,进口教材中有许多精彩的听力训练材料可选用,如:Longman出版的Impact Listening 1~3,配有CD。 至于书市上流行的VOA, BBC及CNN的各种CD,可以选用一些,但必须由精选。




英语作文 篇10

Go down this street

Turn night/left at the first crossing

It’s about…meters from here

You can’t miss it

In front of behind at/a the corner(不用in)

Pass two blocks


⑴A large number of visitors come here

⑵There are lots of visitors coming here every day

⑶Many people visit here every day

⑷A lot of people pay a visit here every day

