
2021-10-04 02:31:56



快乐的英语作文 篇1

Today, I got up very early, I had a very good breakfast, then I went out to play with my friend, We had a very good time. In the afternoon, I went swimming with my father, it was very hot, but we felt very good in the water.

After supper I began to do my homework, I didn't think it is difficult, so I finished it very early.Then I read some books and went to bed.

快乐的英语作文 篇2

Summer vacation is like a happy note, always accompanied by my side; summer vacation, like a blooming flower, makes my life full of sunshine and hope; summer vacation, like a bird, I feel free every day.

Summer vacation is happy, happy, beautiful, interesting... If the summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, flying freely in the blue sky. If the summer vacation is the sea, I am the little fish swimming in the vast sea. If the summer vacation is knowledge, I will never stop learning it.

In the summer vacation, I almost spent all my thoughts on my study. Every morning to get up early to read English, look up information, do homework, read a Book... In order to get good grades in the next semester, I do it every day. I think this is the truth of "bitterness and sweetness first".

In the summer vacation, I have learned a lot of knowledge. Every day I have a very happy life, no trouble, no pressure, no doubt, free.

I still understand: although it is summer holiday, but can not relax too, at least for some time to review the knowledge learned every day, so don't put the knowledge learned to forget the light, it is best to try to understand, to understand what "after the first bitter sweet". I love a happy summer vacation, and I love endless knowledge.

快乐的英语作文 篇3


看,操场上人山人海,车水马龙!一开始,我像一张滚烫滚烫的大饼,可过了一会儿,我却像一个痛苦的冰棍。为什么呢?因为我快冻僵了,转眼间,我完成了四项,可我觉得最有趣的.还是“会话小精灵”,那是我走到小姐姐的面前,看着她严厉的目光,像一位法庭上的法官,我又被吓了一跳!我说"point to the A B C ,poite to the door..........."小姐姐说:“不错呀!”说着给我打上了三颗星。在接下来的三项比赛中,我不再那么紧张了,心情放松下来了,比赛也变得如鱼得水。看着这八项一共得的二十四颗星,甜甜得笑了。



