Writing task one: processes
You will be given a diagram of a process. Your task is to describe the information given in the diagram by writing a 150 word report. You are not asked to give your opinion.
What is being tested
Task one questions asking you to describe a process rarely appear on the IELTS test. They are different from table, graph and chart description because they test your ability to:
describe each important stage in the process and expand where necessary
link your descriptions of each stage
use the present simple passive
As process tasks can vary widely, it is essential that you look at a lot of examples in IELTS preparation books.
You should spend around 20 minutes on the task.
Sample task
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The flow chart below shows how national examination papers are marked in Someland.
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.
You should write at least 150 words.
Your task
Complete the Task One report exercise above. Spend only 20 minutes.
Then look at the notes and the sample answer below.