
2021-10-04 03:23:31



春天的英语作文 篇1

I came to the river along the field path, the willows on both sides of the river fluttered with the wind, and the new buds grew; the tender ones seemed to be able to squeeze the water out; when I walked on the river, I saw the flowers also opened their small buds, colorful and scattered on the green grass;the breeze blew, sending out the light fragrance of the flowers, attracting the hard-working bees and beautiful flower butterflies Butterfly. This kind of spring makes people yearn for it. It's really enjoyable and pleasant.


春天的英语作文 篇2

Year after year, the four seasons alternating. In winter the spring will come in the past, everywhere is a vibrant, colorful.Spring girl quietly came to the land, all kinds of flowers, scrambling from green leaves, has welcomed the peach blossom, morning glory... They are looking curiously at the spring girl, and countless bees hum, the butterfly also dance to welcome the spring in the air.Spring girl came to the jujube forest at the foot of the mountain, she took a bath, for the lovely XiaoZaoShu and the jujube is the sucking the dew of spring. Spring girl quietly came to a village, tender tea like one lovely elf, they miss zheng big eyes looking at the spring rain, and beside the azalea is bubbled up from the land, to show off its beautiful petals.Finally, the spring girl came to the field, see the fields of flowers, the grass to say hello, and brought them a spring girl is slightly small wind, blow the flowers, the grass with a smile, the spring girl came to the water, see the fish in the water was practicing water spray gun, the spring breeze and take a walk, see a few children are worried for his kite hanging in a tree, the spring girl saw, gently blows, the kite fall down.The spring breeze feels really good! Let everyone feel cool and refreshing and comfortable feeling.

一年又一年,四季不断交替着。冬天一过去春天就来了,到处都是生机勃勃,五颜六色。 春风姑娘悄悄来到了这片土地,各种各样的花儿争先恐后地从绿叶间钻出来,有迎桃花、喇叭花……它们都好奇地望着春风姑娘,还有数不清的蜜蜂在嗡嗡地闹,蝴蝶也在空中翩翩起舞地迎接春天。 春雨姑娘来到了山脚的枣树林,她为可爱的小枣树们洗了个澡,而枣树们就尽情的吮吸着春天的甘露。春风姑娘又悄悄来到一座茶山,嫩嫩的茶叶就像一个个可爱的小精灵一样,它们睁大眼睛望着春雨姑娘,而旁边的杜鹃花也从土地里冒了出来,炫耀它自己美丽的花瓣。 最后,春风姑娘来到了田野间,看到田野中的小花、小草正向自己打招呼,而春风姑娘就给他们带来了一阵微微的小风,把小花、小草吹的满脸的笑容,春风姑娘走到了水边,看到水里的鱼儿正在练习喷水枪战,春风又走了走,看到了几个孩子正为自己的风筝挂在树上而发愁,春风姑娘看见了,轻轻一吹,风筝就落下来了。 春风感觉真美呀!让大家都感觉到清凉、舒适的感觉。

春天的英语作文 篇3


Spring the sky is blue, the sky as blue as the sea, as if with a wash of sapphire. The clouds in the sky are numerous and varied, sometimes like escaping hares, sometimes like predatory tigers, sometimes jumping horses......


The distant peaks, rolling folds, like a sleeping dragon. A row of pine trees stood there, wearing a green hat, wearing green uniforms, like a proud soldier, is fully equipped for it!


The grass on the ground upright, the flowers off thick winter clothing, wearing colorful clothes. The beautiful butterfly flew round and round with its friends. The industrious little bee did not idle, and buzzed to gather nectar from the flowers. Birds flying in the air, like a messenger of spring, spring has come to tell people is.


Small clear like a transparent blue silk, lying quietly in the bosom of the earth. A group of fish swim over, some play in the chase, some bubbles, as well as in the companion and play hide and seek...... Warm up the river suddenly!


Ah! It's really a picturesque spring!

春天的英语作文 篇4

Hello, my dear friends! What’s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favouriteseason is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house.

In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers.

The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers.

I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty. The rain is very good.

It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?

春天的英语作文 篇5


Spring is my favorite time of the year.


Spring wind blowing, blowing green weeping willows, blowing green grass. The children on the grass are bathing in the warm spring wind and flying kites!


In the spring wind, the willows seem to be dancing with long branches. The light dancing posture seems to fly. The clear water reflects her colorful body. The green grass and flowers on the bank are reflected in the water. The bottom of the water seems to be a wonderful fairy tale world.


The pink peach blossom bloomed, looking like a gorgeous and colorful morning glow from afar. Pear blossom, white pear blossom full of branches. The golden winter jasmine blooms like a shy little girl.

一阵微风吹过,顿时一股花香扑鼻而来 ,让人陶醉。细听,蜜蜂们已在辛勤工作,“嗡,嗡,嗡”地飞来飞去。蝴蝶也不甘寂寞地在花丛中翩翩起舞。


What a charming spring!

春天的英语作文 篇6

Cold weather comes all of a sudden; I never realize that before I saw a bird knocking at the kitchen’s window for food. One night, my father told me there is a small bird standing on the wire outside my window. The wire is elongating close the wall, I turned on the light and found her.


She is tiny. Her tawny feather is not glossy, maybe in this cold day is hard to get herself feed. Her head curl in one of her wing, so that she can keep warm in the cold night. She is really not so adorable. Her feather color make her seems dirty, and the floor near my window has something that makes me feel uncomfortable, her cacation! I tried to fright her away, so did my father. But she seems like this wire, this refuge. I made noise and stroked the wall, she just turned her head.


After that, I finally accept the fact that, I have to live with this ugly dirty little bird. As her neighbor, I start to care about her. She flies to the wild very early, as early as the sun does not show him in the horizon, the moon still hanging in the west! What’s more? She come back late at night. She must be work hard for food, but she is not growing, just as tiny as the first time, and her feather is still lusterless.


Life is hard to this little creature too. However, her hard-working makes me respect. Winter comes very soon. I really hope that my tiny neighbor can survive, and I will greet spring with her.


春天的英语作文 篇7


Sunday morning, I went to the people's park with my mother in a happy mood to find the footprints of spring.


Entering the gate of the park, I saw a beautiful butterfly flower, which has three colors of red, yellow and blue. I touched the petals gently, feeling soft and slippery. Several small bees danced in the flowers, as if they were playing with the beautiful butterfly flower.


The green grass on the ground comes out of the soil vigorously, enjoying the sweet rain and sunshine, breathing the fresh air, as if it has quickly spread a green blanket on the earth.


A few graceful peach trees beside the wall quietly grow clusters of purplish red flower bones on the twists and turns of the branches, like groups of girls who are naughty, cute and shy.


A pear tree on the road also produced snow-white flowers. Under the spring wind, the pear flowers danced, and the petals slowly floated down like rain, falling on my head. Suddenly, a fresh fragrance came to me, refreshing.


The river in the park flows quietly in the sunshine. A breeze blows. The river scatters a little bit of soft starlight. A few birds in the air seem to be attracted by the starlight and chatter incessantly.

感受着公园里的一草一木,一景一色,我忽然发现自己找到了春的足迹,她的颜色是五彩纷呈的,她的气息是清新宜人的,她的声音是欢快动听的,她的感觉是柔软甜润的,整个公园被春姑娘的足 迹点缀成了童话般的世界。

Feeling the grass, trees and scenery in the park, I suddenly found that I found the footprints of spring. Her color is colorful, her breath is fresh and pleasant, her voice is pleasant, her feeling is soft and sweet. The whole park is dotted with the footprints of spring girls into a fairy tale world.

