
2021-10-05 10:02:49



英语作文 篇1

The chart has clearly revealed the differences between female and male students in their job preferences and choices after graduation.

The most desired jobs for boys, according to priority, are managers, businessmen and lawyers. Girls also like to pursue these professions, but the percentage drops considerably, compared with the great number of girls who are interested in becoming teachers.

What has brought about this result? I believe that many girls may prefer the teaching positions because they like to take care of and give guidance to the younger generation, while boys like to become managers and businessmen because they like the idea of standing up to challenges and want to prove that they have it in them to be both socially and financially successful.

The findings will definitely exert some influence on the university education in China. To better prepare the students for their future jobs, all universities and colleges in China should take into consideration students‘ job preferences, when they design syllabuses and offer courses to their students.

英语作文 篇2

词汇:holiday travel mobilephone go outings happy


1.i like … very much.

2.last summer, i went to …with whom

3.we went to… by bus ( train, car,bike..)

4.we set off at (place)… at (time)…

5.it took sb. some time to get there

6.we took a lot of pictures there

7.we had a good time there( enjoyed ourselves very much)

8.it’s such an exciting… that i will never forget it.


last week i went to mount emei in sichuan province with my family. early in the morning, we took a taxi to beijing west railway station. the station was very lively.

half an hour later, we got on the train. on the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached sichuan. there, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.


英语作文 篇3

The movie Kung Fu Panda looks like a kung-fu novel, in accordance with Chinese-style plot development. It is mainly about a fat panda's dream to become a master of kung fu, and a coincidental let that dream become a reality. Of course, Po (the panda) has gone through a series of twists and turns before reaching success.

Impressed me most is a series of Chinese elements in the film, from the name we can know it is the film for Chinese - kung fu and panda. It is not just kung fu and panda. There are other Chinese elements in it. Such as the Chinese mandarin, the Chinese house, acupuncture, erhu, calligraphy and so on.

Of course, that it can become North America's box office leader and could attract foreigners are not only those causes. In this film, everywhere is full of philosophical dialogues. The turtle said "There are no accidents." Po's father, described in the mysterious soup, said "To make something special, you just have to believe it's special." That I like the most is "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it's called the present." It tells us to make good use of today.

20xx is a Chinese year, Kung Fu Panda also allow international friends to learn more about Chinese culture and connotation.

英语作文 篇4



Long, long ago, a file of chariots rumbled quickly across the plain late one spring. The soldiers wore sparkling armor. Banners fluttered in the breeze.

很久以前的一个晚春, 一队战车轰隆隆地在平原上疾驰而 过。战士们穿着闪亮的盔甲,旌旗在风中飘扬。

Following them came several generals with their swords and spears. They were followed by a beautiful chariot. Sitting in the chariot was the great King of Chu.

车队后面跟着几个持剑和矛的将军。 在他们的身后是一辆漂亮的战车。坐在车上的是伟大的楚国国君。

Every year the King took a trip through his kingdom to inspect his land, to hunt, to train his troops, and to get out of his stuffy old palace.


The King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery. Even now, over two thousand years later, people still remember what a good shot he was. He never missed. The King trusted him. During the great hunt the rabbits and deer and all the wild animals ran here and there in panic, but nowhere was safe from the arrows of General Yang Youchi. If he shot one hundred times, he hit his aim one hundred times.

英语作文 篇5

This morning, on my way to school, I was riding when I heard a call for help. A little girl was calling for help in the river nearby. I immediately got off my bike, took off my clothes and jumped into the river. At last the girl was saved, After sending the girl back home, I hurried to school. But I was still late for class. Not knowing the reason, the teacher criticized me.

However, in the afternoon the girl's parents came to my school and thanked me for having saved their daughter. Soon the story spread all over the school. TherefOre, the teacher knew why I was late this morning and he apologized to me. The headmaster also praised me and called on all the students to learn from me.

英语作文 篇6

Winter holiday has arrived,and I feel very happy.

Because I have more time. Snows may play the snow, and unusual unattractiveness, but did not have the bird, but I am very happy. Completes the work, I help mother to clean the health to live, because must celebrate the new year, the new year's celebration may put on the new clothes.

