
2023-03-31 19:31:03



英语春游作文 篇1

Winter holiday is coming,my class mates has their plans,so do i。First, i will study hard during this holiday。 I will finish my homework as well as possible。Secondly,i will do some exercising 。Because exercising is very important and good for health,I will do outdoor activities with my friends like fly a kite。It's fun!

Then,I will do some things to relax。I think listen music is a good way to relax,but I prefer watching TV,I think It's more interesting than listen music!Finally,I will go shopping with my sister,shopping is my favorite activities!


英语春游作文 篇2

The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation。I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown 。I am for back to my hometown for preparation。 I miss my grandparents very much , so I will visit my grand parents at first。I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin 。It will be very intereting 。I hope I will have a great time there。


英语春游作文 篇3

Spring came with ail it's glories. The new grass exposed it's green colour. The pretty flowers opened their blossoms. We were tempted to go for an outing.

It was Sunday, the 20th of April We set out very early on bikes, carrying bottles of champagne, beer and bags of cakes, bacon and cooked eggs. We rode along the winding paths in the fields, across the meadows and down the roads. The willow were fresh and green. The swallows were flying to and fro, up and down the sky. The birds, like musicians, snang their melodious songs in the trees, and the butterflies, like colorful dancers, were fluttering here and there. We breathed the fresh air deeply and laughed heartily.

英语春游作文 篇4

It was a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring morning, when the teachers took us students of Grade 2 to go on our first spring outing. We set off at seven o'clock from school. In the warm spring breeze, we were walking there together.

Fifty minutes later, we got to the destination. There, we were going to have a picnic. Some of us cooked rice, some cooked dishes, and some cooked soup.

My deskmate, Guo Yunfeng, and I fried eggs. At first, we poured some oil in the pot. When the oil was hot enough, we put the egg into the pot.

Soon after that, we turned it over. We were in threes or fours, and we were all bustling with our own tasks.

Time's up! The meal was ready. Let's enjoy to our hearts' content. Bottoms up!

