英语话题作文 篇1
There is a story that an old woman always feels unhappy, because when the sun comes out, she worries about her daughter's business, because the girl sells umbrella. But when it rains, she stills feels unhappy for she worries about her another daugther's business. People tell her to change his point of view, when the it is fine, she ca dn feel happy about her second daughter's business and when it rains, she can be happy about her first daughter's business.
In that way, she will be a positive woman every day. We can't change the f vdact, but w de can treat things in another way, so that we can be positive all the time.
英语话题作文 篇2
When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can. However, we often complain that I don’t want to grow up when we become adults actually.
Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by ourselves or we should support our parents when they can’t earn enough money to make a living. Secondly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on jobs. After that, when we meet with the right person, we will get marry with him or her to build a family. That is to say, we have heavier burden because of our family. Building a family and keeping it harmonious is not easy. In a word, there are many problems waiting for us once we grow up.
Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an opportunity to know more about our world, love and protect the important person in our life. Don’t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy our life.
英语话题作文 篇3
In recent years , xx has caused a heated debate on ( 1 ).
The factors for ( 2 ) .First of all ,( 3 ).Then , there comes a case that ( 4 ). Moreover , ( 5 ) . Especially when ( 6 ) .Indeed, these unique points can be collected theo remind people that ( 7 ).In this way ,we should behave just like ( 8 ).
The impact of Television.
In recent years , with the development of science and technology ,80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV , offering as many as 50 channels .It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children ). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children.
The factors for (parents‘ worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it .) .First of all ,(with so many programs to choose from , children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then , there comes a case that ( some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ).
Moreover , ( the effect on children‘s minds are more serious than the effect on children‘s bodies ) . Especially when ( the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them ) .
Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that ( they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children‘s TV viewing ).In this way ,children will not be influented too deeply .
英语话题作文 篇4
前两种写法的缺点是局限较大,不能发挥学生创造力,习作不能体现学生个性。启示式写法是在学生有了一定习作基础和语感上,稍高层次的写作训练。师生共同围绕一个话题讨论写作内容,列出写作提纲,然后学生根据提纲自由发挥起草一段话。例如,师生围绕“zoo animals”这个话题进行讨论,得出可从“外形、能力、生活习性,来源国”等几方面进行描述。学生自由发挥,写出颇具个人特色小文章。此法的优点是既可体现学生个性,也避免学生跑题等现象的发生。
此写法给予学生更大创意空间,难度也更大。教师只给予题目或主题,学生通过启动自身知识体系的搜索引擎,自主地搜集相关资料进行写作。例如写“Seasons in Guangzhou”,学生仔细浏览我设计的.相关网页,选取某一个季节中一两个感兴趣的主题来表述,如“气候、衣着、食物和活动”等等。选题要与学生生活密切相关,并能激起他们写作的欲望;切忌主题过大,会让学生无所适从或无从下手。
在写作课“zoo animals”上,我让学生讨论这个主题可以涵括的内容,要求学生在已有的词汇、句型中进行分析,提取相关信息,再综合运用。实际上就是要求学生联系所学知识,是对学生分析综合能力的训练。这时候,学生认为这足以能指导完成写作了,他们的思维通常到这个阶段就停滞不前了。但教师还应该培养学生迁移的能力,即把这种思考方式迁移到其他内容的写作上去,做到举一反三。
许多学生写英文短文,都习惯用汉语去思考。结果写出来的句子,读起来很拗口,句意生硬,令人费解。其原因就在于学生不明白英汉两种语言表达上的差异。例如,汉语中没有时态和语态的复杂变化,只借助于助词“着,了,过”;而英语则有复杂的时态和语态变化。再如,英语中名词分(1)可数名词———单数名词———复数名词--规则名词复数的变化;不规则名词复数的变化(2)不可数名词:water furniture , advice (3)名词单复数相同:sheep , deer , fish (4)既能可数又不可数的名词:hair , wood , pa?鄄per , rain , sand 。动词短语,介词短语等一些固定搭配,动词与其主语的一致,称谓的一致,等等。这些差异只要通过不断的积累和运用,才能逐步达到恰到好处。英语写作才能更规范,更标准,更符合英美人的表达习惯。
英语话题作文 篇5
染色馒头the industrial dye of steamed bun 毒奶粉the notorious milk powder
It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to our health. As the famous saying goes, “we are what we eat.” However, things often go contrary to our wishes since we are faced with a series of food safety problems at present, ranging from the industrial dye of steamed bun to the notorious milk powder.
There are several reasons for this severe problem. First and foremost, many manufactures produce fake food of poor quality in order to get higher profits. In addition, the relevant laws and regulations are imperfect and even ineffective. Last but not least, the public especially customers from poor families, are not alert enough to the safety of food.
In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken to improve the situation. Firstly, it is essential that relevant laws and regulations on food safety should be enforced. Secondly, the relevant department should attach more importance to supervising监督 the manufacturers. Also, the public should be trained to be alert to food quality, believing our efforts will make an enormous difference. Only by taking these actions can the problem be coped with successfully in the nearest future.