
2021-10-18 20:48:15



英语话题作文 篇1


1. It is time for us to take measures as it is each citizen’s responsibility to save our mother earth.


2. There is only one earth which we can live in. we can’t afford to lose it. The environmental protection is safeguarding of our own life.


3. Only in this way can we pursue comprehensive , balanced and sustainable development and make a harmonious society come true.



In conclusion, we should limit the overuse of the natural resources and protect our living environment in order to maintain the balance of environment.



This is not an easy task, so nations should work together to prevent this global disaster, at the same time ordinary citizens should do their part.


It is only by united efforts of everyone dwelling on the earth that our planet can be redeemed , so can our lives.


Only in this way, can we create a stronger, healthier and more beautiful world.



Campaigns should be launched to raise the awareness of family planning, safeguarding the environment and slowing the population growth.


英语话题作文 篇2

There Is No End to Learning

Aa soon as I was eolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates. We just wanted to relax. But at our first English Lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us," There is no end to learning. You can only become a top student with additional work." And she says hard work is rewarding.

The teacher's words awakened me. In fact everyone in the world is always learning. Man's talents are like wild plants. They need cutting and pruning with the tool of learning, We lears not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom. Learning is a process in which man adapts to his sroundings. It is driven by man's desire to win respect and to contribute to society. It is the curiosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself ." To learn is to be young. Not to learn is to die." This saying applies to every society and to all ages.

Indeed, everyone living on earth is learning all the time. Man learns not only from books but also from his own experience We can not hope that as long as we learn we will gain benlfits. Efficient study is inseparable from good methods and motivation, A man of a strong sense of responsibility and full of ambition is insatiable in learning.

I entered the university after much efforts. I know it is only the first step on the road leading to the sea of knowledge. It is but the first page in the book of science. The further away ! am off shore, the more far-sighted! will be. The more you learn. the more you feel the need to learn. Art is long, life is short.



老师的话唤醒了我。事实上,世上每一个人都在学习。人的才能如野生植物,需要用学习这把工具予以修剪。我们不仅在课堂上学,而且还要在课外学。学习就是不 断适应环境的过程。学习受“人要赢得尊重,就得对社会做贡献”的欲望所驱使。学习就是知识本身所引起的对知识的好奇。“学习使人年轻,不学习等于死亡。” 这句话造用于任何社会、任何时代。



英语话题作文 篇3

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition entitled MyThoughts on the University Arts Festival. You shouldwrite at least 120 words following the outline givenbelow in Chinese:



My Thoughts on the University Arts Festival

For our university's arts festival, I think that the university should hold open competitionsand auditions for anyone who wants to take part in the festival's exhibitions and performances.This would not only increase general interest in and appreciation for the arts, but would alsobe a good way for our university to show its support for the arts.

This arts festival is an excellent opportunity to remind everyone that arts are important foreveryone to appreciate and take part in, regardless of major.

I think that there should be general, open auditions and competitions in all the major arts.There should be categories for painting and sculpture; classical, folk and modem dance; andinstrumental and choral groups, both large and small. The judges should be joint committeesmade up of both faculty and Students, both experts in the field and novices. Arranging thefestival in this way will, I believe, give our student body a greater enjoyment of the arts, a breakfrom studies and a fuller appreciation for what it means to be human.

英语话题作文 篇4

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Helping Others in Need. You should write at least 120 words and base you composition in the outline below:

1. 现在,在看到他人遇到困难时,很少有人去伸出援手;

2. 这个现象产生的原因;

3. 我的看法。

英语话题作文 篇5

Directions: Write a composition entitled On Online Chatting. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 网上聊天越来越流行;

2. 有人反对它,有人赞同;

3. 我的看法。


On Online Chatting

With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.

However, peoples opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesnt produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it.

control we can use it cientifically and properlyandcurbjits bad effect to the greatest extent.


increasingly adv.渐增地 vary v.变化

a waste of ...浪费

英语话题作文 篇6






How to learn English well

English is important and useful tous. How can we learn it well?Here are my suggestions。

First , we should often listen to the tapes, English song sand programs. Watching English movie sisal so helpful tous. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t beafraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the Englishc lub and practice with others. Third, we can read more English new spapers and magazines. It’s good forus. Atlast, we should recite some good passage sand keep diaries。

In a word, a slong as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well。

