
2022-05-09 12:30:46



话题英语作文 篇1

Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on Helping Others in Need. You should write at least 120 words and base you composition in the outline below:

1. 现在,在看到他人遇到困难时,很少有人去伸出援手;

2. 这个现象产生的原因;

3. 我的看法。


My View on Helping Others in Need

In modern society we are often sorry to see that people are reluctant to help others out, not to mention helping a stranger; offering a helping hand seems to be out of accord with the times.

Then what’s wrong with our society? Some people may say that facing skyrocketinghousing prices, expensive medical expenditure and soaring commodity prices, they have no choice but to struggle to make a living, and thus it would be impossible to spare a hand to help others because it may bring them into trouble. Therefore, standing by indifferently is their only choice.

However, is it necessary to be selfish in order to survive, or in order to ensure that people do not take advantage of you? In my opinion, helping others brings a strong sense of accomplishment. What’s more, the evaluation criteria for judging one individual’s success should be modified so that offering a helping hand to people in need is encouraged and welcomed in our society all the time.



话题英语作文 篇2

Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.

Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to accumulate more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.

As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more. Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which can ensure they lead a comfortable life, but if happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy? Without health money becomes meaningless.

In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best to keep healthy.

Today is a special day for me. I graduate from middle school. Yesterday, I attended the high school entrance exam and I think I did very well in the exam. I am sure I can be admitted by the best senior school in my city. This morning, a big graduation ceremony is held in my school. All graduates and our teachers attend to it.

Our president makes a speech in the ceremony, wishing us a good future and hoping us to come back school often. After the ceremony, we go back to our classroom to spend the last time together. We are reluctant to each other. I hope we can keep our relationship forever.

话题英语作文 篇3



(1)选用比较有把握的词汇,用恰当的句型写出确切反映内容要求的句子。在熟悉的基础上,鼓励多用高级词汇和结构复杂的复杂句。如表达“为了……”时,可用inorder to do 或 so as todo.也可用sothat引导目的状语从句。


(3)表达限定的内容有困难时,就要想到“AllroadsleadtoRome.”这句话,用变通的方法,以达到“曲径通幽”。如要译“他表哥外强中干”这样一句话,表达起来似乎很难,但我们完全可以通过学过的东西将这句话明白贴切地表达出来:Hiscousinlooks strong but in fact,he is rather weak.

(4)尽量避免使用汉语式的英语。例如要表达“她睡得很迟”,不可写成:Shesleptvery late.应该写成:Shewent tobed verylate.因为“sleeplate”表示“睡懒觉”。又如要表达“他一点都不担心他的英语”,不可写成:Heisnot a little worried abouthisEnglish.实际上意思完全相反,表达成“他非常担心他的英语”了。应该是:Heisnot a bit worried about his English. 或:He isnotworried about his English at all.



















话题英语作文 篇4

This picture is really thought provoking. As is vividly shown in the above picture, a book is lying above the grass and beautiful flowers. Beside it, there is a topic thatsays:“reading”. There is no denying that the picture implies that reading is of utmost importance to us.

Considering every aspect of it, we may attribute its significance to three factors. First of all, reading can broaden our horizon, widen our knowledge and eich our experience. Besides, reading is to success what water is to a fish. It can put us in a favorable position in the job market. Last but not least, if all of us are willing to read more and extensively, our society will be more progressive and prosperous.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that reading is indispensable in our daily life. Therefore, the mass media, such as

television, Internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. As

for ourselves, we should take practical actions to enhance our awareness of reading. Then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future and a beautiful world.

话题英语作文 篇5

My English friend's name is Jim.

He is ten years old, his family is in London,he and his family member come to China to play.He has a cousin,he name is qianyu. He is only four years old,but he has a lot of questions.Look, he is pointing at the chopsticks to ask me what this is.

jim and I had become good friends.Several days later Jim said that he had to go home, he said he loved China .He won't forget me, and want me to leave to London to visit him when I'm free."Ok!see you,Jim." "see you."





话题英语作文 篇6






How to Reduce Drunken Driving

Currently, as a mass of reports on deaths andinjuries caused by drunken driving are all over thenews, the phenomenon of drunken driving hasaroused nationwide concern.

Drunken driving will undoubtedly give rise tosevere consequences if we turn a blind eye to it. Inthe first place, it will put the safety of drivers,passengers and pedestrians under threat by causing traffic accidents, injuries or even deaths.After that, it means a mournful waste of time and money to treat the injured and fix thecrashed cars. In addition, the irresponsible behaviors of the drunken drivers may lead to theunstabilization of the society.

Prompt and effective measures should be taken to reduce drunken driving before thingsget worse. On the one hand, it is essential that laws and regulations should be strictlyenforced to impose heavy penalty on those who violate the rules. On the other, more effortsshould be made to arouse public consciousness, such as propagating the bad influence ofdrunken driving. Only in this way can drunken driving be reduced.

话题英语作文 篇7

My View on College Students Cohabitation

Nowadays, premarital cohabitation is common and popular and this phenomenon has extended to the campus. More and more college student lovers choose to live together off campus. This phenomenon has aroused great public concern and there are much discussion on its advantages and disadvantages。

Admittedly, college students cohabitation has its advantages. One of them is that the lovers can know each other better by living together. They can decide whether their romantic relationship should go on. Secondly, cohabitation matures college students and improves their sense of responsibility. However, there are also many problems resulting from the cohabitation on campus. A good example to illustrate this point is that some girls might be hurt by their irresponsible boyfriends. Besides, living together will involve many trivial things, which of course will influence their study。

话题英语作文 篇8

It's going to be sunny on next Monday, has a highest temperature of 9 degree and a lowest of 5 degree . And it continues to be pretty good on Tuesday, has a highest temperature of 12 degree and possiblly a lowest temperature of 6 degree. But Wendsday is going to be a little windy, and getting cold. Highest temperature of 4 degree, lowest of -1 degree. And it will get colder and colder. Thursday is going to be cloudy, a highest temperature of 2 degree, a lowest temperature of -5. On Friday, it's going to rain. Also very windy, so better put on some warm cloth for that day. A highest temperature of -5 degree, a lowest temperature of -10 degree.

话题英语作文 篇9

On the Senior Empty Nests

For most senior students in universities, the last academic year has nothing to do with academics. To the frustration of professors, few courses are attended by students. And dorms are almost vacant with few lodgers. This kind of phenomenon, which has been called “Senior Empty Nests”, is common among universities of China.

Where have those absent senior students gone? Some lucky dogs have gone to their new jobs while the majority are still striving to get a job or engaging in their internship outside of the campus. The severe employment pressure has pushed senior students into employment market earlier. The anxiety of getting a job before graduation disturbs the restless mind of every student, which leads to skipping school of most students.

In my view, with senior students leaving campus earlier, their time of education has been reduced, which puts them in a disadvantaged position in the employment market. Students should start job hunting after finishing the courses of the last academic year. At the same time, the universities should provide career education for senior students.

话题英语作文 篇10

I would spend the most of my PE lesson to exercise rather than study in class. There are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing football and so on. While, I just love running, especially the long-distance running for it exercises my endurance and perseverance.Not only it is beneficial to prevent and cure diseases, but it can alleviate my pressure from study.


So, every time I have difficulty in my study, I always run on the playground for relax. Then I would feel better and focus on my study again.


