
2021-09-24 06:42:42



英语话题作文 篇1


汶川地震(Wenchuan Earthquake)发生后,九岁学生林浩(Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行7个小时到达安全地点。

请你就林浩同学的事迹,以"Learn from the Hero"为题,给你校英语专刊投稿。内容包含林浩同学事迹简介,你对这件事的感受,以及你要向他学习什么。

提示词语:a student, nine years old, happen, save ,walk, to safety, be deeply moved, brave, give up


Lin Hao is a student. He is only nine years old. After Wenchuan Earthquake happened, he saved two of his classmates. Then he walked for seven hours to safety.

I was deeply moved by his story. I think he is a brave boy. He did his best when he faced great danger. I should learn from him. I will think of others first and help them as much as possible. I will never give up when I face any difficulties.



要求:1:词数不少于60个,开头已给出。可选用下列词汇:experience 经历经验 unhappiness 不快乐 confidence 自信心

Hights And Lows In My Life

We all have experienced highs and lows in our lives. I will never forget the experience when I began to learn English. I like English but I couldn't get the right way in learning. The more I wanted to remember, the harder I found it was. I was in a low spirit. I almost gave it up.

Luckily, my English teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good way. By and by , I realized English was not such a terrible thing. I became brave enough to open my mouth to speak English. How excited I was! My confidence came back to me. Believe it or not , I won the first prize in Spoken English Competition in our school. It was the first time I experienced the highs in my life!

英语话题作文 篇2


1. The iprtance f English rests with the language being used in st cuntries in the wrld as a cunicating tl. Fr exaple, a Geran and a Chinese can't spea ppsite side's language, but the bth nw English. And then there is n prble between their language cunicatin. We ust nw the iprtance and learn the language earnestl.

The e t learn English well is t recite wrds. Wrds are the brics f language building.Onl eeping the in ur ind, can we aster the. T learn English well,we need t listen re English bradcast and cntact with re freingers s that we can practise ur listening cprehansin. Onl in this wa, can we stud fr the purpse f applicatin




2.The Iprtance English-英语的重要性

There can be n dubt that English is ne f the wrld's st widel used languages. Peple use a language in ne f three was: as a native language, as a secnd language, r as a freign languge. English is spen as a native language b ver three handred illin peple in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, se caribbean cuntries and Suth Africa. As asecnd language, English is ften necessar fr fficial business, educatin, infratin and ther activities in an cuntries, it is ne f the few "wring" languages f the United Natins.

It is said that English has bece the language f internatinal trade and transprt. Mst pilts in planes travelling fr ne cuntr t anther use it t tal with airprts. All ships sailing n the ceans call fr help b radi in it. It has been said that 60 percent f the wrld's radi brad casts and 70 percent f the wrld's ail uses English. At internatinal sprts eets, and internatinal f scientists English is the language st cnl used and the st widel used.

English has in fact bece the language f internatinal cperatin is science and technlg. The st advanced resuits in space, nuclear and cputer research are published in it. A scientist wh speas and writes English is in clser tuch with the scientists in ther cuntries than ne wh desn't.








English is the st ppular language in the wrld, and it is als st widel spen f all the language. It is ther tngue in an iprtant cuntries, such as the USA,England, Australia and s n. In India, Thugh it is nt the ther tngue, it ‘sthe iprtant ffical language.

In China, English is spen as an iprtant and useful freign language. The 20xx Olpics will be hsted in Beiing. Man freigners will ce t China. We shuld tr ur best t serve the Olpics. Fr exaple, we can help the freign visitrs if we learn English well.

英语话题作文 篇3

It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water. But to our disappointment, the fact is just the opposite.

As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings

. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.With fresh water, the world will be prosperous.

英语话题作文 篇4

Dear editor,

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls’ favorite is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it’s the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study。

英语话题作文 篇5

Dear classmates:

I'm Li Hua , After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spend too much time. They think exercise builds body and can keep them healthy. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective.

On the other hand, 30% students believe taking exercise is tiring and it's a waste of time. They say that after having sports they are too excited for a long time to focus on their lessons. And it's possible to be hurt while doing sports.

英语话题作文 篇6

Ten years later, I have already graduated from university, perhaps with a good work. Good luck, the boss's daughter would watch me, I have a house, car and, of course, beautiful women to accompany. I will make a lot of money to my parents buy a lot they like. I will live very happy!

Ten years later, maybe I'll become a professional basketball player, because I like playing basketball, I would raise many animals, so some heavy things to do to the robot. In Ten years, maybe I will become a policeman, to help people grasp the bad guys, fighting crime, become a hero.

Ten years later, I thought that I will become a doctor, because may help many people, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time, the child did not need to go to school, they at home through the computer study, in my family also had the robot, might help us to do many housework, I in the future life will not need the money, because the thing could be free, I good anticipated that I the future life, I will wait not to be anxious!

英语话题作文 篇7

In my childhood, filled with a lot of interesting young Fun, will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask.

One thing that made me worry a new memory. I remember that during the last one year when Sunday morning, I was sitting comfortably on the sofa and watch television with relish. Inadvertently, I saw on television a chicken farm in the chicken, all kinds, colors, yellow, white, a very lovely. Small brain, the eyes turn round Liuliu stop, coupled with the hairy body, especially elicit people like. I felt I needed to have an idea of buying a handful of chick-let. Mom in the kitchen cooking, I went to my mother around grinning, and said : "Mother, father to father, I have bought a few chicks!

Overtime, it will give you time to buy, ah? "I have a lot of pouting and said :" I really hate! "You know they collapsed on the sofa again, a second time to have passed. Suddenly, I scare up, the refrigerator is not the egg? I think about while talking to himself on, do it! Won two eggs through the refrigerator. "Hen hatching chicks depending on the temperature of the eggs were hatched to, if I were to the hatching, eggs are being squeezed easily broken. Of the usually like my mother always said that his father's body stove, the father's quilt is definitely hot. "I think that the father was an egg carefully into the yard, and patiently wait for the birth of her chicks. From Joozone.com.

Dad back, the storm will soon have to open their eyes, into a bedroom, opened quilts, sleeping only heard the father was not named soon, I immediately went past, and my father was out of paper shining his pants. I Wuzhuozui secretly smiled, and her mother came running over and down the back of the skull.

Dad angry and said : "Dzodzo, is not a good thing you do? "I will detail in the dark to tell the parents. We all laughed, and her mother rubbed my small brain : "dumb children, no eggs were hatched chicks! "My eyes what we sway. How interesting to me! It made me understand a profound truth : that people should not blindly do, but after careful thought, and action.

英语话题作文 篇8

Relax Ourselves

Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. We spend too much time on study or working. We almost forget that how green the grass is, how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our windows. A saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air. We can also climb a hill in the suburbs.It's good for our health.

Let's go outing.

英语话题作文 篇9

Is it Good for College Students to fall in love in School?

College students have more freedom than before and they also grow more and more mature in physical and mental. So it is natural that they would like to fall in love with someone. As a result, campus love becomes popular in university. For this phenomenon, people opinions vary. In my opinion, I dont agree with that phenomenon.


First of all, falling in love with others cost a lot of money. When two people have that kind of relationship, they will go out with each other often. When they are going out, they have to spend more money. During the dating, the boy may try his best to buy things to make the girl happy. While the girl may start to make up or buy more beautiful clothes to make herself look better. All these need money. However, university students are still students. They have no income. Their money is from their parents. Falling in love with someone will increase the burden of their family and themselves.


