
2022-04-14 11:40:51



五年级英语作文 篇1

May Day has been finished, the teacher ask me: "such a long holiday, do you have any harvest?" Oh, I just think, such a long holiday, what I got? I say I don't know to the teacher, the teacher is very tired, because the teacher asked me a lot of problems I always said I don't know, the teacher thought that I would not like to communicate with her, don't want to say, in fact she was wrong, I really didn't get anything, there is no harvest, at least I think so. The teacher asked me to write a composition, let me write the May Day.

It can be difficult to me, I a long vacation, the same Sunday, boring through. In order to complete the tasks given by our teacher, I try to recall, think of a harvest in the May Day holiday. Harvest should be done from always get!!!! The May Day  and I do what? Doing homework, playing games. A May Day I so monotonous had done, and what can harvest it?

In order to complete the task, say what I have to say two harvest. Even though it may be of garbage again. I wrote in the essay "a May Day to do a lot of homework, I know a lot of questions, lays the foundation for an examination." Said a pile of meaningless words. When I finished writing the composition, and I suddenly woke up, I can't harvest is so? Harvesting can always find in done. Think of this, and I think may do one more thing - to play games. After I grew up to the big game, in the five one playing games, what do I get in? I finished the game has been played bored, also can have what? "Why don't you always play games, go outing, wanted to take you out to play, you don't go." My mother said to me. Right! It is day and night playing games makes me so boring, feel life is meaningless, there's nothing to do, no pleasure of life. Why my extra-curricular life is too monotonous. Games let I can't find my harvest in a holiday. Right! This is what I May 1 to play games.

Really do everything there will always be it the meaning of value, is only a question of how much, can't be none. What we should think about what we have, and what you need, to enrich our life.

五年级英语作文 篇2

Dear Tom:

I am very happy to be your pen pal. I hope we can be good friends.

I‘d like to introduce myself first

I am 13 years old. I’m a student and smart and sunny girl.

I have tow small eyes, tow rows of neat, white teeth. I have a six one meters high.

I like reading a book. My favourite colour is purple. The kangaroo and panda is my like animal.

My family members have me, mother, father and baby sister.

I’m pleased do meet you!

Best wishes to you

You new pen pal, Cao Wanqian

五年级英语作文 篇3

There are three people in my family, father, mother and I.

Start with my dad! My father made the first meal in our family, but he often got home and sat down on the sofa to read the newspaper, so he had to make my mother cook. Until my mother said it was time to eat, he sat at the table and ate. After dinner, he went to the newspaper again. Sometimes when I ask him a question, he will only click his head. But my father washes the dishes clean and fast.

Talk about my mother! She can work but can clean our house for a day. When I was in school, my mother always got up at five o 'clock, and when she called me up, the spicy rice was ready. She often helps me review (my lessons). I love her very much.

Finally say me! I don't want to read a book (when) I don't look at it. Sometimes I read a book (at night) at ten o 'clock until my eyes were open.

Our family is a happy family. I love my parents very much.






五年级英语作文 篇4


首先,那当然是单词啦,单词量是最重要的,没一个单词就像我们的每一个汉字与词语一样(我说的没错吧..)记单词首先可以看读音,大部分都能跟着读音顺下来,但那要看每个字母是发什么音,字母本身的读音叫做字母音,但在单词中,有的字母不发字母音,如:c,在e/i/y前读/s/,其余情况下读 /k/。(不举太多例子了)。每当在单词中遇见这种的情况,都要熬牢记住它的发音,这样十分有助于看音标写单词。还有一个方法,对劳记单词很有效,就是玩单词接龙(不包括词组),和成语接龙的规则一样,接的越多,记得越多。可以试试哦!我就是为了帮我们组赢,把二十四个字母在我小霸王电脑上能查到的(不包括词组)都记了个遍呢!



五年级英语作文 篇5

Hello, every one. I am a boy in Class 4 Grade 5. I like reading very much. A good book is a good friend. I often play with this good friend. Every day, after finishing my homework, I will share my spare time with my book happily. Usually my book will tell me some funny stories. Sometimes it shares some thought with me. I can learn a lot from the book. It makes me happy. It makes me sad. It makes me brave. It makes me independent. I love my friend so much. Do you love your friend? Do you love your books?


五年级英语作文 篇6

虽然小姨的学历比我高,但她会读的英语却只有可怜的一小撮。为了让小姨也能跟上时代,有事没事说两句英语,我就给小姨当了一回临时小老师,教她学英语。 “跟我读,each,each。”我说。“each,什么意思?”“的意思。”小姨“哦”了一声,低下头在本子上记下几笔。

“再多练几遍,小姨!”小姨一边看着本子一边念:“each,each。”“唔,不错。再来下一个。桃子,peach。”我大声说。“peach,peach。”小姨跟着读了两遍,又在本子上写了些什么。 我继续教小姨,她读得挺认真,但总是要在本子上写一写。我可不管这么多,只要她读对就行了。最后,我要小姨把刚才学的单词读一遍,她照着那个小本子,一个一个地念,居然全读对了。

我兴奋得一蹦三尺高,这个小老师当得真不错! 吃过晚饭,小姨洗衣服去了,我偷偷拿起小姨的本子,想看看她到底写了什么。真是不看不知道,一看吓一跳――each一尺,桃子僻起…… 我又好气又好笑地对小姨说:“要你学英语,不是汉字!给单词注上汉字怎么能学好呢?”小姨有点理亏地说:“可我光看单词不会读呀!”我只好又不厌其烦地教小姨认音标读单词。 也怪,小姨的单词越学越好,“胃口”也大了。于是,我又开始教小姨英语句子。


五年级英语作文 篇7

i had a happy summer holiday because i did many interesting things.

i went to the beach and i swam in the sea.i called my friend and played with them.i visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food.

then i went to the zoo whit my sister.i was very happy.because i saw a lot of animals.they were very lovely.so i took photos of all animals.i liked the butterflies best.they were colourful and beautiful.my sister liked it too.

i had a wonderful summer holiday this year.what about you? can you tell me somthing about it?

summer holiday is coming . i want to go to beijing . i go to beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . we want to go there by plane because it takes less time . we can see many things in it . first we can visit the great wall , it is very famous for the world ,so i like it very much . second we can go to the zoo because i like to see animals . there are many foreigners in this city ,too . i want to talk with them in english . i want to learn english from them . i think we can have a good time then . i hope it is coming soon .

