
2022-06-10 02:30:41



五年级英语作文 篇1

I like the holidy so much. I look forward to holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is fersh. Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourful flowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city. I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is always my favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game. If you ask me what my favourite summer holiday will be like, traveling aound the only answer. I hope that one day I could meet different people and vist different places of interest. I wish I could have two long holidays in a year, what about you?

五年级英语作文 篇2

My Favorite People

Who is your favorite people? My favorite people is my mother. She is beautiful. She is 38 years old. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and long hair. She likes cooking. She cooks good meals for us every day. And she always does all the housework. She looks after my father and me. I love my mother very much.

五年级英语作文 篇3

It was sunny and hot today. I got up early at half past six. I read English and then had breakfast. I helped my mother washed the dishes. Then I did my homework and cleaned my room. I went shopping with...

五年级英语作文 篇4


上课的时候,她总是微笑地望着我们,让人一点也不害怕。但她也有发火的时候,声音像打雷!但从她那张好看的嘴里说出来的话总是那么的亲情和动听,让我们听着停止就入神了。她有时会大声批评 同学,有时调皮的学生犯了一个小错误,她就变着法子说服教育,让他自己认识错误,并改正。

记得在给我们上第一节课时,说的话是那么的动听,下了课我也学着老师的语音说:“同学们好!”我觉得实在太酸了!我们的老师很严,如果哪个同学没有做作业,或者没有交她就要罚,但是,她只 是轻罚,我还是感谢她的`严格要求和爱的深远。有一次,我英语作业本上写错了一个字母,她让我把这个句子抄写了一遍,我不服气,干吗?把这个词组写一下不就行了吗,干吗这么麻烦!她似乎看懂 了我的心思,对我说:“我不是要罚你,我是让你牢记这个教训,慎重对待每件事。”我牢记这句话,从此再也没有犯个这个错误,我也敬佩姚老师的尽责尽业,无私忘我的精神!在她的生活中除了工 作还是工作,在她的心中,除了学生还是学生,她把自己全部的精力和时间都倾注在我们身上。她曾说:“我如果不教你们,就不是你们的老师,但我一当上你们的老师,我就会尽心尽力把你们教好, 我希望能向身边同学学习,要像我一样,自己担当一件事,就要干到底,负责任!”我到现在都还浮现出那句话。


五年级英语作文 篇5


This country is China . China is red on the map . China is our country. We live China.We speak Chinese.Beijing is the capital city of China.The U.S.is east of China. China ‘s flag is red.It has yellow stars.Tian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum in Beijing. I loveChina.

五年级英语作文 篇6

Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old. Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us. In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us. It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles. She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher.


