
2023-02-14 04:26:20



五年级英语作文300字 篇1

I had a fantastic and meaningful summer vacation. I did my homework every day . I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends. I sometimes went to movies and went to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. My parents and I went to Hannan Island and spent a week there. I really had a happy summer vacation

五年级英语作文300字 篇2

My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is rabbit. Its name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It’s very small. It’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. I like it very much. It’s lovely. It’s my best friend. I like the rabbit.




五年级英语作文300字 篇3

When winter comes, hot pot is the necessary food for our family. It is very delicious, we can pick the food we like. Our family sit together, having different tastes, which is such cool and convenient. Many foreigners fall in love with hot pot when they come to China. Hot pot has been the symbol of Chinese food.


五年级英语作文300字 篇4

It was sunday afternoon. li ming and i were walking to the park. suddenly we saw a boy fall off his bike. we both hurried to him. since one of his legs was hurt badly the boy couldn't stand up. he began to cry and we tried to comfort him. we put him on the bike and took him to hospital. the boy got treated at once. i telephoned his parents and told them about the whole story.

They thanked us again and again. it was dark then and we said goodbye to them. we felt happy though we couldn't get to the park.

五年级英语作文300字 篇5

One of my classmates was knocked down by car last term. He was badly hurt. He had to stay in the hospital for several months. We were very sad.

One night, he felt very hungry. He wanted to buy some easy noodles to eat. He ran very fast. He didn’t stop when the traffic lights were red. He couldn’t escape. His legs were injured. He said that was a terrible(可怕的) memory. He said he would obey the traffic rules forever.

Please always remember the traffic rules. It is very important for us. Life is wonderful. Let’s obey the rules at any time.(约100字)

五年级英语作文300字 篇6

I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn't go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! One year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven't enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years later, we will get the real life which belongs to us.

五年级英语作文300字 篇7

There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is businessman, he is very busy, he goes to work early and comes home from work late. My mother is a housewife, she looks after all the household duties, she keeps the house tidy. My father and my mother are lovely couple, I love them so much.


五年级英语作文300字 篇8


上课刚不久,MISS林就开始讲课,讲着讲头着,我就开始无聊,心里想:有没有搞错啊!下课铃怎么还不响啊!不一会只听见MISS林说“女同学都站起来…… ……”女同学“呼”地都站起来了,可俞郁雅却半站着,本来她半站着也没事,可偏偏这个时候江胜鸿这个多管闲事外加多嘴的家伙说了一句:“俞郁雅你是男生啊?”我看了MISS林一眼,心想:幸好没被发现。谁知老天爷是不是跟我过不去。江胜鸿这只“害群之马”还是被MISS林的火眼金睛给盯住了。MISS林顿时火冒三丈,我不由在心里祈祷道:上帝啊!你可千万不要让MISS林惩罚我们!就在此时,MISS林发话了:“第四小组有人在说话,罚抄第五页十遍!”听了这话,我全身就像被倒了一盆冷水,我真想冲上前去把江胜鸿打个半死才解气。


